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Win $50 Amazon certificate


Contest URL: I’m giving away a $50 Amazon gift certificate
Prize: A $50 Amazon gift certificate
Deadline: end of October 2007

Mac’s Money Blog is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift certificate. To enter just write a post about this new contest and link to FinanceFavorites.com. More entries if you subscribe to this site (a Dig like site) and submit your post (+1 for every post).

Win a Wii

Contest URL: Win a Nintendo Wii!
Prize: A Nintendo Wii plus Mario Party game and more
Deadline: 31th October 2007

Great contest at EverybodyLovesCoupons! Here you can find tons of online coupons and save some dollars. And now you have also the opportunity to win a Nintendo Wii with all this:

  • Wii Sports game
  • 1 Wii remote
  • 1 Wii nunchuk
  • 1 brand-new Mario Party 8 game
To enter write a post like this with correct links. Then send a mail with your post link here and leave a comment too!



In support of our incredibly brave friends in Burma: may all people around the world wear a red shirt on Friday, September 28. Please forward!

No contests today.

Comfort Contest


Contest URL: The Beef Jerky Blog’s Comfort Contest
Prize: 2 fuf chairs
Deadline: 1st November 2007

The Beef Jerky Blog is hosting his first comfort contest. Two lucky winners may win two fuf chairs (see photo). To enter just write a post like this. Additional entries:

  • Write a review of The Beef Jerky Blog (+5)
  • Write a review of Poofbags.com (+5)
  • Technorati Fave The Beef Jerky Blog (+5)
Official rules here.

Win permanet link or $10


Contest URL: Welcome to LinkBaitMe.com
Prize: linkbacks or $10
Deadline: 1th November 2007

The new link bait is runnig his first contest. Many ways to enter and win permanent link or $10.

  • Subscribe to RSS feed (+5)
  • Link to him from your site/blog with the anchor text, “link bait” (+5x your Google PR - PR4=20 points)
  • Write a post about his blog, linking back to his contest post (+10)
  • Leave a comment (+2)

Thanks Contest Blogger!

Today a fantastic surprise!
We are number 14 on the top 23 contest blogs list made by Contest Blogger! Thank you so ever!

"...because competition always makes you do a better job"

Absolutely right. More contests blogs, more contests, more oppurtunities, more wins.

Post and win $50


Contest URL: Fifty for the Fall - Enter to Win $50 Cash!
Prize: $50 (Paypal) or some Gift certificate
Deadline: 30th September 2007

A new contest from Joana and Nanashi-Inc. Its name: Fifty for the Fall. $50 to help you face up the Fall.
It's really simple to enter:

  • Write a post like this (minimum 50 words)
  • Link to the main page and to the contest entry
  • 1 submission per person only
Winners will be announced on October 1st, 2007.
Check out other chances to win cash:

One iPod Video Nano for you


Contest URL: Give me the Video Nano
Prize: one iPod Video Nano
Deadline: 31th October 2007

Another opportunity to win the New iPod nano. Success for Your Blog, a great place to find tips and resources to create a successful blog, is holding his first contest. Rules are simple. Write a post about the contest telling a bit about the site. Then add links to two blogs of your choice, just for the blogosphere. This is my choice:

  • Blog Contest: Another place to find blog contests and submit yours for free!
  • It’s Write Now: A blog about writing, making money, marketing and blogging. With imagination and creativity.
You can participate also without a blog: check it here.

Win $75 Bucks

Contest URL: BloggingContest.com Official Contest - Win $75 bucks!
Prize: $75 (Paypal)
Deadline: 15 October 2007

BloggingContest.com is running his own official Blog Contest! The Winner will Win $75 Bucks in cash and a text link ad for 3 months! The contest is sponsored by BlackStork.com the Action Sports Buyer’s Guide. You have many ways to enter. Check them here!

Win the New Apple iMac


Contest URL: Stay At Home Dad iMac Give-Away - Win A 20″ Apple iMac
Prize: The new Apple iMac ($1199)
Deadline: 31 October 2007

If you want a new computer (why not...), try to join this contest.
Stay At Home Dad, Geek Style is giving away a brand new Apple iMac (2.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 1 GB of memory, 250 GB hard drive, 8x SuperDrive and a 20″ glossy display). There are many ways to enter and gain tickets.

  • Write about this contest (250 words, at least). Post also a little bit of information about SitterCity.Com, America's largest and most easily accessible database for babysitters, nannies and pet sitters. You must use this picture (see below)

  • Make extra posts about the contest (+1 per post)
  • Put a sittercity banner on your sidebar (+5)
  • Bid on DevDad’s ads (+1 every per $1 bid)
  • Chip in for DevDad’s dream set-up (+2 per $1 chipped in)
  • StumbleUpon his site (+1)
When you are ready, e-mail your information to Devdad, and tell him what you did to earn tickets (don't forgive your StumbleUpon username). The lucky winner will be chosen on November 5th of 2007.
Take a look also at his new site BlogHelper.org, a great place to find tips about blogging, SEO, marketing, and writing. Feel free to ask questions, you will be answered!
Contest is available worldwide, but if you live outside US and you win, you'll need to pay for shipping to your country.
Good luck to everyone!

Win $50 at the Halloween Blog

Contest URL: Win An Easy $50!
Prize: $50
Deadline: 1st October 2007

From a new blog where you can learn a lot about building your own Halloween costume:

Anton over at the Halloween Blog is offering up a $50 prize to a lucky winner. To enter just post about his new blog and the contest post.

One more entry if you add his site to your blogroll.

Subscribe and win $20


Contest URL
: Prize: Win $20 Cash Just By Subscribing To Our Full RSS Feeds
Prize: $20 (Paypal)
Deadline: 17th October 2007

First contest for BloggingTruths.com, a blog where you learn blogging and finally earn blogging.
Subscribe to Full RSS Feeds or subscribe Using Your Email. Nothing more. You can Win $20 (Paypal).

Win a Sony Vaio


Contest URL: Win $2000 Worth Laptop
Prize: Sony Vaio notebook
Deadline: 1st April 2008

Snoopy With the Zee is running a great contest.
As a part of his project Get Me A Mini contest, when all ad spots are sold out, he will choose one winner. The prize is a Sony Vaio, exact model and features will be discussed near the end of the competition.
Write a post about this contest on your blog, and you get one entry. To have more chances , you can also buy ad space on the Mini surface, or refer friends. Official rules here.

Win a New Video Ipod Nano


Contest URL: Win An iPod Nano!!!!!! New 8-Gig Red Video iPod Nano
Prize: 8-Gig New Video Ipod Nano (Red)
Deadline: 31st October 2007

It’s Write Now, a blog about writing, getting published, making money with imagination and creativity, is giving away a new Ipod Nano (8gb, red) to celebrate 90 days of activity.
To join this contest, write a post like this and leave a comment here. That's all. Thanks Emma!

Win a logo or $20

Contest URL:Win a Logo from The Prize Blog Contest
Prize: A logo design or $20 (Paypal)
Deadline: 17 October 2007

You can win a professional logo from The Prize Blog. Rules are simple:

  • Write a post about his contest
  • Link to the homepage

Blog Contests on the Net


If you like contests, you are in the right place. But this is only a little site. I'm trying to keep it working, and I hope to be able to. However I couldn't go on without other sites that help me to find free stuffies and other goodies.
Blog Contests on the Net is one of them. Here you have also the opportunity to submit your own contest and every day there is something new. It's a a mine of information. Take a look now, partecipate, leave your comments!

Win a set of shot glasses or $25

Contest URL: September Shots Contest-Drink Up!
: A set of shot glasses or $25 (for non-US)
Deadline: 30th September 2007

Bloggrrl is giving to you a set of nice and transparent shot glass. So, if you win, you can celebrate, as many times as you like!
Here the ways to enter this contest:

  1. Send a pic of yourself downing a shot or other libation. (10 entries)
  2. Write about this contest on your blog, linking back to Bloggrrl.com’s main page (5 entries x how many times you linked)
  3. Tell a story about the dumbest thing you’ve ever done while drinking and link back to Bloggrrl.com. (10 entries)

Free Ipod Shuffle Contest

Contest URL: Personal Development Contest - Free Ipod Shuffle
Prize: One Ipod Shuffle
Deadline: 27th September 2007.

If you would like a free Ipod Shuffle, simply post a comment here.
Alex Shalman from Practical Personal Development is giving away one of them. One comment, one entries.
But you can get more entries:

  • Subscribe to his full feed RSS (+1)
  • Subscribe to his free newsletter (+1)
  • Write a post like this on your blog (+3)

Search and Win with Wabbadabba


Today I 've found this:Wabbadabba.
You can use it as a normal search engine and every search gives you the opportunity to win a prize (for now Amazon vouchers and a plasma TV).
And if you invite your friends to join and they win, you win too!
It sounds interesting...I'll post here, if I got lucky. Let's go searching!

Choose what you want Contest


Contest URL: Contest 2.0
Prize: Two Gadgets from a list
Deadline: End of September

A great blog contest at Kristofer Brozio.
If you win (2 people at the end of the month), you can choose two gadgets from his list. And 5 more people may get a Super Mario Brother Squishy Keychain!
And if you really like gadgets, take a look here: September giveaway at DragonSteelMods

Win a geek T-shirt


Contest URL: Even Bloggers Need Clothing
Prize: a free T-shirt every week (random)
Deadline: End of Septemper

If you are a real geek, you can't miss it.
Great contest at Everybody go to. You can win a funny t shirt every week (till the end of September).
All you need to do is writing a post like this and your name will be in the draw.



Today I would like to give my thanks to RevieWOW. I've discovered this great site a few days ago and it gave me the idea to start this blog about contests found around the net. I hope we can discover together more new brand opportunities to win something...
I'll try to give my contribute. Thanks Vincent!

Happy Birthday Phil!


Just a few words from Italy...Happy birthday Phil!
And, most of all, thanks for your site, the best place to find contests everywhere.

Great Blog and Great Contest

A blog. But not a common blog, one of that all-about-myself (and nothing else) blogs. No more gossip, no more marketing sites, no more the same boring things.
Lifeslackers is different. Try it! And there is also a great contest here (till September 30, 2007)!

$50 Amazon Gift Certificate from Canada


Contest URL: Canadian Free Stuff Blog Contest
Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Certificate
Deadline: October 4 2007

Canadianfreestuff.com is running a great contest. The prize is $50 to spend on Amazon.com.
It's very simple to enter. Copy the text below. Then leave a comment here.

** Start Copy Here **

I found a New Site Called Canadian Free Stuff. They are very Canadian , with only Canadians in mind. Talk about being Patriotic. And Best of all. - FREE - They have a very large directory showing you where to get everything free. From Baby samples to pet samples, Not only do they have freebies, but also list all the coupons for Canada to be found online,

They also have a very busy Message Board where participating members share in on the fun with freebie hunting, and entering in Contests found across line.

Upon Entering The Forum - You will find that they also give away a free gift to all those that reach the rank of “Smart Beaver”.

So if your Canadian and wouldn’t mind getting some free stuff delivered into your mailbox, this wonderful place to hang your hat.

If you have a Blog, You can also enter into their Contest for $50.00 Amazon.com Gift Certificate.

** End Copy Here **

Contests Widget!

The Pisstakers has created a great widget to easily find contests around the net.
I think it's simple, clean and very useful. Just a bit of java on your sidebar, and with each page refresh you get fresh links to the latest contests on-line.
He as also others cool widgets... Check them out here.
Thanks for all!

Join the train and win $50


Contest URL: Google Page Rank Train 50 Dollar Contest
Prize: $50 (Paypal)
Deadline: 50 people random
Some Make Money is giving away $50. The rules are simple.
Copy this post (from ** Start Copy Here **), add the link of your blog at the end and then leave a comment here. Winner will be choosen randomly among the first 50 people who joined

** Start Copy Here **

We all know how important getting link backs is and with this chain, you can get the ball rolling! You don’t have to be an established blogger to take part in this chain.

Here are the rules:
1. Copy this post from the point where it says “Start Copy Here” to the point where it says “End Copy Here”

2. Add yourself and 5 of your favorite bloggers to the end of the list.
3. Post this on your blog

Enkay Blog | Ms. Danielle | Cash For Comments | BetShopBoy | JohnCow | Mr. Gary Lee | Jon Lee | Dosh Dosh | Some Make Money | The King Kong Blog | RomanDock | Michael Kwan | Ed Lau | Jane May | Sam Breadstone | Windows Tips, Tricks and Hacks | ProBlogger | The Beef Jerky Blog | The Prize Blog | Online Coupon Codes | Jamaipanese | Rugjeff | ShadowScope | The News Press Net | JohnWaraas | Online Opportunity | Sara | Gaje Master | Graphic Design |romandock dot com |RevieWOW | Drunken Housewife | Sparemoolah | antonolsen | blogitude | joeymoggie | alltheinfo | Sugar Queens Dream | cricketdesi | Average Joe Blogger | International Freebies | Fracas |Jibber Jabber|Turn one pound into one million|MyBlogContest|A.B.C.|

**End Copy Here**

Make me laugh and win $350

Contest URL: The ‘Make me laugh’ contest! $350!
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 2007.10.01

Our Bizarre and Weird World is giving away $350. You have only to make him laugh.
Many ways to get entries:

  • Send him a funny joke - +1
  • Send him a funny picture - +2
  • Send him a funny video - +4
  • Link to his blog - +5
  • Write about his contest on your blog - +8
Well, let's try!

Win a Nikon D40 with Digitaltoyshop.com

Digitaltoyshop.com (online store about digital cameras and accessories) with NeoTeo.com (a free Spanish magazine about technologies) have started a great contest!
You may win a Nikon D40 (with 18-55mm lens)!
The rules are simple: write a post like my post (with ALL the correct links and names) and leave a comment here.
The contest ends on Sunday September 30.

$100 from an Angel


Contest URL: The easiest $100 you’ll ever make: win it here!
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 2007.09.30

My first post in my new blog...
Worldofangel.com is giving away 100$ (via Paypal). The rules are clear and simple:

Winner will be choosen random on Sunday September 30.