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Give a Spot to Your Blog Contest!


If you want more exposure for your blog contest, use ABC FEATURED BLOG CONTEST SPOT! Feel free to contact me for details.

5 commenti:

danandmarsh said...

Geez I need one for the contest I am sponsoring although still being a newbie, I don't know how to make one. I'll ask around and hopefully be emailing ya!

Ukion said...


My 125x125 banner link is:

Name of the blog is Detector.

Also, you can find a fine contest on my blog, if you like you can publish as post on your blog.

Best regards,

Ukion - money blogger

danandmarsh said...

finally figured out how to create a banner, sent you an email. Also feel free to post about my contest if you would like!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog you have here -
I'm currently working on improving my blog's profile and will be contacting you later for ads placement on your blog.

Great site btw :)

Anonymous said...

@Helen: thanks a lot!

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