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Join Kiva Global Celebration!


Please join the Kiva Community this October in one of the 10 participating cities and help them celebrate 6 years of making loans to deserving entrepreneurs around the world! Come meet Kiva enthusiasts in your community and celebrate the global movement that is connecting microfinance lenders and borrowers across the globe. If you don’t know Kiva, take a look at this post about changing the world with $25.

Each city celebration will provide lending stations and the opportunity to make Kiva loans on-site, as well as information about Kiva for new lenders.  So, it's a wonderful opportunity to invite friends and family who have never heard about Kiva.  The celebrations will be hosted by Kiva Lenders in the following cities across the globe: Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Chicago, Pittsburgh, New York, Toronto, Montreal, London, Paris, and Melbourne!

They will also be filming Kiva community members at the celebrations for the recently launched “Why I Kiva” campaign. Why I Kiva is a very simple idea: members of the Kiva community post videos explaining why they lend with, borrow through, work for, donate to, or otherwise participate in the Kiva community. You can go to http://www.youtube.com/kivamicrofunds to see what other Kiva community members are saying about why they Kiva. Submit a video yourself! 

Unable to attend one of these city events?  You can still celebrate virtually by making a loan attributed to one of the hosting lending teams (Be sure to join the team before making your loan!) 

See this blog post for more information.

Life and My Finances Giveaway



Contest URL: Life and My Finances and enter to win a iPad 2
Prize: iPad2, Amazon Gift Cards, Paypal Cash
Deadline: 30th September 2011

Fantastic contest from Derek at Life And My Finances to celebrate its 1 year anniversary. Congratulations from About Blog Contests! The first prize is a brand new iPad 2. But there a lot of other prizes up for grabs! To enter gain your points:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+2)
  • Recommend Another Subscriber (+5)
  • “Like” the original contest post (+1)
  • Tweet the original contest post (+1)
  • Mention this giveaway on your site (+5)

The contest is open worldwide!

Win Amazon Gift Cards from Squirrelers


Contest URL: Squirrelers August Giveaway – $75 in Amazon Gift Cards 
Prize: Amazon Gift Card
Deadline: 23th August 2011

Great giveaway from Squirrelers, a blog that helps you to save, protect, and grow your hard-earned money. Two prizes up for grabs:

  • First Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card
  • Second Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card

To enter follow the rules:

  • Fill out the provided Entry Form (+1 – Mandatory)
  • Follow Squirrelers on Twitter (+2)
  • Retweet the original contest post (+2)
  • Subscribe to Squirrelers via email (+5)

$50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


Contest URL: Win $50 – Subscribe to Hot Deals Board
Prize: Amazon Gift card
Deadline: 31st July 2011
Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card with Hot Deals Board. To enter you only have to subscribe to their newsletter by mail. The contest is open worldwide.

Win a £10 Amazon Gift Card


Contest page: Twitter Competition – Win Amazon Vouchers!
Prize: Amazon Card
Deadline: 30th June 2011
A simple contest from Money Saving Heaven. You can win a £10 Amazon Gift Card. To enter:

Win an Amazon Gift Card Worth $100!


Contest page: New eBook! Win a Gift Card Worth $100!
Prize: Amazon Gift Card
Deadline: 31st May 2011
A new useful ebook is available from Derek at LifeAndMyFinances.com: 101 Ways to Make More Money. To get one FREE copy, simply subscribe by mail to his site. But there is more: in order to celebrate this event, he’s giving away a $100 Amazon Gift Card. To enter this contest, simply gain your point:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+1)
  • Tweet his contest page (+1)
  • Write a post about this contest (+10)

Reviewer’s Haven First Blog Contest


Contest URL: Reviewer’s Haven First Blog Contest
: Cash
Deadline: 31st May 2011
First Blog Contest from Reviewer’s Haven. 10 lucky entrant will win $5 each. It’s very easy to enter:

Bubble Head Contest Winner!


Dear readers, sorry for the delay…The winner of my Bobble Head Contest has been chosen (using Random.org). Thank you all for entering! We had a total of 20 entrants, not too bad!
Here the name of the one who will receive a FREE custom bobblehead of yourself from 1minime.com:

Congratulations Vivian! And  The 50% discount coupons are ready for these 1minime.com Facebook fans:
Gessa Marie Condino
Eva Bernini
Laura Crowe
All the winners will be contacted soon about how to receive their prize. Thanks again for all your support!

Bubble Head Contest: Last Day to Enter


Dear About Blog Contests readers, today (30th April 2011) is the last day to enter my Bobble Head Contest! You could win a custom bobblehead of yourself from 1minime.com with two simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to my RSS feeds by email (if you are already a mail subscriber, simply confirm me your mail)
  2. Send me a mail with subject “Bobblehaed contest”, indicating the mail used for the subscription. So I can easily track all the entries.
Till now there are only 17 entrants, so you have high chances to win!
More: I have also 2 spots left to get a 50% discount coupons on 1paintme.com for your custom portraits.
Winner will be announced on 1st May 2011 with a specific blog post. Thanks!

Win a $100 Visa Gift Card


Visa is giving a $100 Gift Card for each day in April. To enter you only have to “Like” Visa: Power to the Shopper Facebook page.

Have you entered my Bobblehead Contest?
You can win a 3d statue of yourself!
Enter Now!