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How to win $100 from How2Blogger


Contest URL: How To Win $100 In How2Blogger’s Super Sexy Holiday ‘How To’ Contest
Prize: $100
Deadline: 29th December 2007

This article is part of How2Blogger’s Super Sexy Holiday ‘How To’ Contest which you can see at How2Blogger’s ‘How To’ site

How to win $100 easily. Enter How2Blogger sexy contest and win! Follow the rules:

  • Write a ‘How To’ article on your blog - see contest post for details - (+10)
  • Subscribe to How2Blogger via RSS or Email (+5)
  • Stumble the contest post (+3)
  • Stumble your favorite post on the site (+3)
  • Leave a comment on a post besides the contest one (+2)
  • Call your mother and tell her about How2Blogger (+1)

Free Advertising from Michael Talk


Contest URL: Double deal contest
Prize: A review + a 25×125 ad for 1 month
Deadline: 15 December 2007

Michael Talk is running a contest where you can win a free review and a 25×125 banner ad for one month. 3 ways to enter:

  • Make a comment on the contests post (+ 1, 2 comments max)
  • Subscribe to his email RSS feed (+2)
  • Write a blog post about this contest with one link to the blog’s home page and one to the contest page (+ 3 entries)

Win $100 From Online Presence


Contest URL:Win $100 on Online Presence
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 31st December 2007

Online Presence is a blog about making money online started in February 2007 . The design is clean and simple, the articles are interesting and useful (check The growing list of blog rankings). If you like to learn something more about monetizing your blog, this site is a good place to start.
And now you can also win $100. It's really simple:

  • Write a review of the site (50 words minimum) with at least one linkto Online Presence or any of its posts
  • Leave a comment on the contest post

Win $25 from Mark Houston Recovery


Contest URL: Bloggers: We’re Giving Away $25 Cash!
Prize: $25 (Paypal)
Deadline: 30th November 2007

Mark Houston Recovery,
a Different Kind of Drug and Alcohol Recovery Center in Texas, is holding a contest open to all blogs around the world. You can win $25 (via Paypal). To enter, write a post about this giveaway with link to the contest and to one article on the main site, like the one about Alcohol Addiction Problems.

Win $100 from The Writers Manifesto


Contest URL:Shake It Up Contest
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 30th November 2007

The Writers Manifesto Blog is running a contest for the month of November (few days left!). You have the chance to win $100. Many ways to enter:

  • Make a video review (30 sec min) about The Writers Manifesto blog and post it on your blog with correct URL (+ 10)
  • Post the video review on YouTube (+ 5)
  • Write a post about this contest (+8)
  • Subscribe to The Writers Manifesto blog RSS feed (+ 4)
  • Review Monika’s profile on StumbleUpon (+3)
  • Comment on the contest’s post (+1)

Win a Microsoft Zune


Contest URL: Contest
Prize: A Microsoft Zune 80 GB
Deadline: 30th November 2007

Stupid Celebrities, a site about Hollywood Gossip and celebrity news and is running a contest for his readers. You may win a Microsoft Zune 80 GB Digital Media Player Black (2nd Generation).
Many ways to enter:

  • Post a comment on any post of the site (+1, max 10)
  • Add The Blog to Your Technorati Favorites (+1)
  • Post a link back from your website or blog with the one of the following keywords - Hollywood Gossip, entertainment news, celebrity news, movie news, weird news, celebrity gossip, celeb gossip, Celebrity Sex Scandals - (+1 per keyword)
  • Post a review on your blog - minimum of 250 words, link to the main page with one of the above keywords and post a link to your favorite post - ( + 3 entries)
  • Subscribe to the RSS feed - then post what it says as a comment at the bottom of this post in the RSS feed

Win an iPod Nano at The Tech Brief


Contest URL: Giveaway
Prize: The new iPod Nano
Deadline: 30 November 2007

Do you want the New iPod Nano? Check The Tech Brief and subscribe to his feed by Email. One email will be randomly selected and you can win. This is the November giveaways, few days left, hurry up!

Win a Canon Digital Camera


Contest URL: Canon Camera Competition Details
Prize: Canon IXY Digital 1000
Deadline: 10th December 2007

Neil Duckett is holding a competitions where you can win a Canon IXY Digital 1000 camera.
You have may ways to enter:

  • Subscribe to his RSS by mail (+1)
  • Write a post about this competition and link back to neilduckett.com. The leave a coment on the competition page (+5)
  • Purchase a spot under “Recommended Reading” at $15 (+10)
  • Purchase a 125 x 125 advertising spot for $20 until the end of January (+15)
Minimum of 100 entries required (from any of the options)

The Top 20 Contest Blogs


Blog About Your Blog has published the ultimate list of the Top 20 Contest Blogs (based on Pagerank, Alexa rank, Bloglines subscribers, and Technorati).
And we are number 17! We have also received a mention from Contest Blogger, Some Useless Info and Zany Pixel.
First: Congratulations to all my contest friends!
Second: More Contest Blog, more Blog contest, more Wins! For everyone. So, if you are a new reader, spread this list around the world! Use your blog or Stumble It, Sphinn it, Zoom it.

#1 The Prize Blog
#2 Contest Beat
#3 My Blog Contest
#4 Contest Blogger
#5 Laura Williams’ Musings
#6 Reviewow
#7 Blog-Contests
#8 Home Mom
#9 Contester
#10 Blogging Contest
#11 Contest Canada
#12 Blog Contest Site
#13 Makanon
#14 Blog Contest Central
#15 The Link Bait
#16 Media Mafia
#17 About Blog Contests
#18 Contest Winner
#19 Contest Blog Cat
#20 My Blog Contests

Win a 80GB External Hard Drive


Bigbruin.com is giving away a 80GB external Hard Drive! Subscribe to Bigbruin.com newsletter to enter.
Competition ends on November 23 and is open to anyone! So Hurry up!!

Win a Memory Stick from The Prize Blog

Contest URL: The 2GB Wooden Memory Stick Contest
Prize: A 2GB Memory pen
Deadline: 31 December 2007

The Prize Blog is giving away an ubique hand-made 2GB Wooden Memory Stick ($115). To enter this contest, post on your blog a link to The Prize Blog and to the original contest post. Then write a mail and tell what you have done.

Win $100 from 1234u.com


Contest URL: Win $100 in My lucky number 13 first contest
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 13th December 2007

134u.com is running a cash contest to celebrate his 2 month birthday: you can win $100 (Paypal). It's very simple to enter:

Then leave a comment with all the information. Free link for everyone who enters!

Million Dollars Journey Blog Contest

Contest URL: Celebrating My New Domain with a Contest!
Prize: 1 mp3 player, 1 blog review, ad spot
Deadline: 7th January 2008

First contest for www.milliondollarsjourney.com to celebrate the new domain name. You have many ways to enter:

  • Write a post announcing the new domain and the contest. Include one link to the home page and another to the contest page (+ 5 entries)
  • Subscribe to RSS or Email feed (+ 4 entries)
  • Add the homepage url to your blogroll (+3 entries)
  • Stumble the blog’s homepage (+3 entries)
And you can earn extra credit if you answer the question listed on the contest page (+1 to every correct answer)
The prizes:
  • 512MB mp3 player
  • 125×125 ad space
  • 200 words review on the blog

Win $100 Apple gift certificate


Contest URL: Can’t Get Rich: The Contest
Prize: $100 Apple gift certificate
Deadline: 1st December

Can’t get rich, a blog that tell you making money on-line is only an illusion (I completely agree with him...), is giving away a $100 Apple gift certificate. To enter follow these rules:

Then tell what are you doing to do with the prize. Me: Maybe I'll use it for a blog contest, maybe I'll sell it on Ebay, maybe I'll spend it all to buy the iPod Radio Remote..
A minimum of 20 entries is required.

Win $100 From Search Engine Ranking


Contest URL: $100 Linkback Contest!
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 2 weeks from today

Nomar is running a linkback contest for any bloggers. Entering is very simple. Write a post about this contest on your blog using one of these link and anchor text:

Then contact Nomar and tell him your link. 15 blogs minimum to validate the contest.

BAYB Email subscribers contest

Contest URL: Email Subscribers Contest
Prize: Free Ads space
Deadline: 30th Nov 2007

Mattew, from Blog About your Blog, after his great contest sponsored by Bidvertiser, has something new for you. This time you can win free Ads space on this blog. 3 prizes for you:

  • 1 month 125×125 banner spot
  • 1 month blogroll link
  • 1 month rss feed advertisement
To enter, just subscribe to BAYB via email and confirm your subscibtion. Fill the form here.
On November 31, 3 winners will be chosen.

Bidvertiser contest winner!

My third contest won! A great thanks to Blog about your Blog and Bidvertiser!
And congratulations to all the winners! Above the proof of payment ($200 by paypal).

Subscribe and win cash


Contest URL: RSS Subscribe By Email Contest
Prize: $250 (Paypal)
Deadline: 25th November 2007

Earn Money Online, a blog by Jim Karter, is running a a great contest.
Just subscribe his feed through email and you may win $250 cash.
But there are a lot of other stuff to win. Check it here.
And one link at http://www.addlinkonline.com website for everybody.

Giveaways from Blogging-Ads

Contest URL: Bloggin-Ads.com giving away ad spots, is that correct?
: Free advertising spots
Deadline: 19th November 2007

Bloggin-Ads, a new blog about blog reviews, is running a contest where you can win free advertising space. These are the prizes:

  • One 125×125 Button
  • Two Deluxe Packages (including full detailed review, video review, and a featured blog link)
To enter follow the rules listed on the contest page.
There are also some Featured Links left, leave a message here and get yours for free!

Join MyBlogLog and win $100


Contest URL: Join my MyBlogLog Community, Get $100
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 30th November 2007

New contest from Link Bait Me. You can win $100. Here the rules:

And if you write a post about this contest linking to the contest page, you get 10 more entries.

I have won ShanKri-la contest!


Today a great surprise from ShanKri-la...I'm one of the two winners of his Diwali contest! The prize: one 1GB USB Pen-drive. Thanks a lot for this great contest and congratulations also to Sensei of Contestu, the second winner!
When the prize arrives, I'll write a post about it.
And if you don't know this site yet, but you like technology and web, give it a visit and subscribe to his RSS feeds!

Strange Deals contest


Strange Deals is a new site that bring to you the strangest and weirdest deals on the web.
Now they are giving away $100 each month: to enter, just submit the strangest deal you found around the web. And if you leave a comment, you can also win a gift bag of "Strange Items from Strange Deals" with many of the items featured on the site.
Official contest rules here.

Cash from Money Blogger


Contest URL: Money Blogger $100 Giveaway
Prize: $10 (Paypal)
Deadline: 10 valid entries

New contest from Money Blogger, a blog with the aim to understand if you can make money from blogging. Dom Ramsey is giving 10 lots of $10 to ten of his readers. It's easy:

  • Write a post about Money Blogger and link to the contest post
  • Leave a comment and your paypal address
After 10 valid entries, the giveaway ends. So hurry up!
And don't forget to subscribe to his feed or take a look to another project from him: Fotonomy.

Win the New Ipod Nano at Browie

Contest URL: ipod Video Nano
Prize: A 4GB iPod nano (or $100 via Paypal)
Deadline: 15 November 2007

Browie.Info is running his first contest. The prize: the new 4GB iPod Nano. If you are not from US, Canada or UK, th eprize will be $100 by paypal. How to enter:

Win a iPod Touch at MixedDrinkWorld


Contest URL: Win A New IPOD Touch Blog Contest
Prize: A 16GB Ipod Touch ($400) - WORLDWIDE
Deadline: 30 November 2007

Mixed Drink World, your on-line source for mixed drink recipe and cocktail recipes, is holding a great promotion, win a new IPOD Touch blog contest. Just write about this contest on your blog and send them an email here. In the meanwhile, try to create one of their drink!

Comment and win cash at yeepage.com


Contest URL:My dreaded 1st Contest….
Prize: Cash depending on comments number
Deadline: 20th December 2007

Yeepage.com is running is first contest. Comment and win. Here the rules:

  • For every 100 comments the prize money increase by $10
  • 200 Comments = $20, 300 Comments = $30, 400 Comments = $40, and so on
Winner have to write a post with proof of payment and linkback to the contest page.
And if you have a blog, another chance to win for you. Write a post about this contest, send a mail with the link here and you may win an additional $40. So, let's go commenting!

Won $25 from Yentoo!


Fantastic! I am the winner of Yentoo contest! Thanks so ever! Today is a bright day.
My first win since I started this crazy blog...
This is the post announcing the winner. And here a scrennshot of Paypal transaction:
And don't forget to visit the site!
Thanks again Adam!

Win up to $100 from Nspeaks


Contest URL: Win upto 100$ in NSpeaks first contest
Prize: 2 contest, $50 each (Paypal)
Deadline: 30th November 2007

NSpeaks, a blog about blogging, is running his first contest. You have two ways to enter and multiple entries are allowed. By entering each contest, you may win $50 for each. If you're lucky, you may win $100 (via Paypal).

Winner will be selected randomly using random.org. And FREE linkback to all entrants!