Contest URL: Win an iPod Nano
Prize:AN iPod Nano 3rd generation
Deadline: 8th February 2008
Easy blog contest from Money Blogger! You can win his beloved 8GB 3rd generation iPod Nano. Competition is open worldwide! To enter, just write a post about this great contest and link to the site. Then leave a comment with your entry. Nothing more.
*** NowRelevant - High powered search engine! ***
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
Contest URL: The Monthly Blogosis Contest – Win Free Money: January 2008
Prize: EC credits + Amazon certificate + money
Deadline: 31th January 2008
Great blog contest from Blogosis. But hurry up! It ends today! But there will be a new contest every month, so stay updated with ABC! The prize is 10% of all his online income plus some extra bonus. For this month:
- 585+ Entrecard Credits
- $25 for anything on
- $40 dollars via PayPal
- Write a post about this blog contest with a link back to the contest post and one to the Blogosis homepage (+5)
- Create a permanent link on your blog to this Blog entry and update it every month with the new contests (+5)
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Contests up to $50, Free Stuff
Contest URL: Blog Contest: 1 Year of Hosting
Prize: 1 Year of WebHosting
Deadline: 28th February 2008
New domain name and new look for Mary and her International Freebies! Wherever you are in the world, visit this fantastic site and learn how to get free stuff online!
To celebrate, she's holding a great and simple blog contest. The prize: Professional Shared Hosting Package ($99.50 value), from Here the rules:
- Write a post about this contest (100 words min) and link to the contest post, the site homepage and to
- Subscribe to her feed by email
- Leave a comment with a link to your entry
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
Contest URL: January Contest: Portable GPS Navigator
Prize: A portable GPS
Deadline: end of January 2008
Win a brand new Garmin nüvi 200 3.5-Inch Portable GPS Navigator (or $150 via PayPal or Amazon certificate) with The Tech Brief!
It's very easy to enter:
- Join his MyBloLog Community (+1)
- Fave the site on Technorati (+1)
- Link to the site and contact the site (+1)
- Subscribe by mail to the site (+1)
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
Contest URL: Win a 40gb Media Player or $200 - CONTEST
Prize: ARCHOS 504 Media Player (40GB) or $200
Deadline: 29th February 2008
Domprofesor’s blog, a site that help you make money using the internet, is running a great blog contest. You have the chance to win:
- Archos 504 Media Player 40 GB or $200 (Paypal)
- A full review of your site (or a site chosen by you)
- 6 month blogroll link
- Add the siteo your blogroll (+4)
- Add the site to your Technorati or Bloglines favorites (+4)
- Sign up to TextLinkAds (+3)
- Sign up to Adbrite (+3)
- DIGG one of his post (+2)
- STUMBLE one of his post (+2)
- Leave a comment on another site telling them about or about his contest (+1)
- Subscribe to his feeds (+1)
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Contests up to $500, Free Stuff
Rules: Subscribe by mail to his RSS feeds. Ends on 1/26
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Contests up to $50, Entrecard
Another contest won! It's something fantastic! A great thanks to Emma and her blog It's Write Now! You can see the post about the winning here. And below the Paypal proof of payment (winner can choose the prize or the money):Emma's blog contest is still running! Enter now! Subcribe and find your weekly prize!
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Other, Winnings
Contest URL: Forget about Winning! Here is 500EC!
Prize: 500 Entrecard Credits
Deadline: 40 entrants
Affiliate Lounge is giving away 500 Entrecard Credits to 40 Bloggers! But Hurry up, only few places left! To win, follow the rules:
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Entrecard, Free Stuff
Today something new. Check out this site: One Dollar Jackpot.
You can win an easy dollar every day (via Paypal): simply write an original and creative description about a topic in 25 words or less. Submit your entry and your email. Every winner will be listed on the site. Give it a try!
Categories: Free Stuff, OPEN CONTESTS, Other, Reviews
I love Blog Contests! I'm one of the winners of the Ultimate Contest at CyberStreet Report! I would like to say a big Thank You! Now ABC has a top banner for 1 months! Congrats to all the others winners!
If you have a blog, if you want to win, you can do it. See all my winnings! And don't forget to subscribe to About Blog Contests: the best blog contests for you, every day.
Categories: Winnings
Contest URL: Contest Radar’s First Contest: Win a Premium GC
Prize: 6 Months Premium Gift Certificate
Deadline: 30th January 2008
A new friend for all contests blogs around the world! More blog contests for you all! Welcome Contest Radar!
To celebrate, he's running his first contest. The prize is a 6 Months Premium Gift Certificate ($35). If you win, you'll have FREE access to this online radio station with more than 25 different channels. To enter:
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
Contest URL: Blog Contest - $25 Cash Prize
Prize: $25 (Paypal)
Deadline: End of January 2008
Thompson Outdoor Supply is running an easy blog contest. You can win $25 via Paypal or Money Order. To enter simply write a post like this and link to the Thompson Outdoor blog and to the contest post. Winner will be selcted on FEbruary 1st, 2008.
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Contests up to $50
Contest URL:Domain Giveaway Contest #2
Prize: one of 4 domain names
Deadline: 25th January 2008
eXtra For Every Publisher is giving away four random domain names. Here they are:
- - expires 10/13/2008
- - expires 1/10/2009
- - expires 10/13/2008
- - expires 11/13/2008
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
I'm one of the winner of SEO Blog contest! Thank you so ever! The prize: 600 Entrecard Credits.
Check the post about the two winners here. And congratulations to Contestime!
If you need more Entrecard Credits, join The “One Heck Of A Giveaway” Contest! I'm one of the sponsor, and you may win 500 EC, plus 2 months AD space on my sidebar. Enter now!
Categories: Winnings
Contest URL:First Blog Contest for 2008
Prize: 1GB Class 2 SD Memory Card by Panasonic
Deadline: End of January 2008, an interesting blog about affiliate marketing, making money online, business ideas, internet, news and more, is running his first blog contest. Free tech stuff for you: the prize is a brand new 1GB Class 2 SD Memory Card by Panasonic ($60). Entering is very simple. Here the rules:
- Write a post (150 words minimum) on your blog about this contest and link back to the site and to the contest post
- Leave a comment with the link to your post
- Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail with the same email you left with the comment. is also an Entrecard member! Check it out here.
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
Contest URL: The January Blogtests™ - $100 Giveaway
Prize: $100 (paypal)
Deadline: 31st January 2008
Free cash for you: Mr. Opportunist is running an easy blog contest and the prize is $100. Here the rules:
- 10 Entries - Blog about Mr. Opportunist Community forums, the adsense revenue sharing system, and your thoughts of it.
- 10 Entries - Blog about the contest linking back to this entry.
- 8 Entries - Join the Forum and post an introduction in the “Initiation” Forum.
- 5 Entries - Subscribe to the Mr. Opportunist RSS Feed
- 5 Entries - Add the blog to Technorati Favorites
- 3 Entries - Stumble the post
- 3 Entries - Digg the post
- 3 Entries - Stumble any other post on the site
- 3 Entries - Digg any other post on the site
- 2 Entries - Leave a comment on any post other than the contest one
- 1 Entry - Leave a comment on this post
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Contests up to $100
Contest URL: Subscribe And Win At It’s Write Now!
Prize: Various, weekly winner
Deadline: 4-5 weeks
Previous Contest:Win a New Video Ipod Nano
It’s Write Now is running a new and easy contest. You only have to subscribe to her RSS feed: each week look for a secret message at the bottom of the feed which will list that week’s prize and a code word. If you are intersted in the prize, send her an email ( with "contest" in the subject line and that week’s prize plus the code word.
Different stuff and cash too (if you prefer it). Subcribe and find them! Weekly winner randomly chosen.
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
Mega blog contest from!
*Group 1*
- 1 Month blogroll and 125×125 ad spot (Blog About Your Blog)
- Detailed blog review (Yimto)
- 1 Month 125×125 ad spot (Read To Me Dad)
- License for PopUp Loser (Semmy)
- 50EC (Julianas Lair)
- 4 Hour Week Workbook (Money Relations)
*Group 2*
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Peter Foti)
- 500EC, 1 month 125×125 ad spot (3rd World Blogger)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Contest Time)
- Blog review (Belolats)
- eBook - Wealthy eBook (University Kid)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Mixed Market Arts)
*Group 3*
- 1 125×125 logo, 125 ad spot, blow review, and 3 backlinks (A Frog To Kiss)
- 1 month 100×100 ad spot (Lankapo)
- 500EC, 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Web Blog Money)
- 100 One Buck Wiki pages (Zedomax)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Flat Water)
*Group 4*
- License for PopUp Loser (Semmy)
- 3 months 468×60 ad spot (Ryan Yockey)
- 200EC (Aims Graz)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Contest Time)
- 100 One Buck Wiki pages (Zedomax)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (To The PC)
*Group 5*
- Harmonica DVD (Blog Money Wiki)
- 1 month 300×250 ad spot, 3 month blogroll link (VolkDefense)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Scholarpreneur)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Ben Spark)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (I Make Money On Facebook)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Mixed Market Arts)
*Group 6*
- Domaining Manifesto eBook (DNXpert)
- 100 One Buck Wiki pages (Zedomax)
- 100 One Buck Wiki pages (Zedomax)
- eBook - Wealthy eBook (University Kid)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (EZ Money Online)
*Group 7*
- 250EC (Dorm Earning)
- “The Baby Jesus Butt Plug” book (Cyber Fizzle)
- License for PopUp Loser (Semmy)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Contest Time)
- 250EC, 1 month 125×125 ad spot, 1 month rotated text link (EZ DIY Electric)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (PixToo)
*Group 8*
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (My Blog Contest)
- 1,000EC (Article Snatch)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Wired Kayaker)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (JTPratt)
- 125×125 ad spot until April 1st (1 Man And His Blog)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Mixed Market Arts)
*Group 9*
- 200EC, 1 month text link via RSS feed (Slyvisions)
- 50 EC, 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Ideas and Money)
- License for PopUp Loser (Semmy)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Sean)
- 1 month ad spot (size up to 336×250) (That Single Guy)
*Group 10*
- 1,000EC (Toast & Egg & Me)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Blogging 4 Cash)
- Blog review (Andrew Benton)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Ben Spark)
- License for PopUp Loser (Semmy)
*Group 11*
- 1 entry to Sam’s Superbowl Contest (Controversial Marketing)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Orange Inks)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Blogigs)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Singapore Entrepreneur)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Gorilla Sushi)
*Group 12*
- 500EC, 2 month 125×125 ad spot (ABC)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Contest Time)
- 1 Month 125×125 ad spot (Read To Me Dad)
- 1 month 125×125 ad spot (Rhyan)
- Blog directory submission (5 keyword phrases) (SEO News)
Contest Duration: 1/11/08 ’til 1/31/08 (11:59:00PM PST)
How to Enter:- 3 ticket - Subscribe to via E-mail (CLICK HERE)
- 10 ticket - Post about this contest by using the post link and you must have all the groups and prize sponsors’ blog URLs in tact on your post
- 1 ticket each - Post a comment on any one of the prize sponsors’ blog (Limit 5)
- 1 ticket - Stumble/Digg this post (you must post a message on StumbleUpon/Digg)
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
Contest URL: Win Your Blog a New Wordpress Theme
Prize: 4 WordPress themes
Deadline: 28th January 2008
Do you need a new professional WP theme? This is the blog contest for you: Blogging-Mix is giving away 4 WORDPRESS THEMES. To enter do the following things:
- Write a short post about this giveaway.
- Include a review of the Wordpress theme that you want to win.
- Don’t forget to link to this post and the Wordpress theme of your choice.
- Lastly, leave a comment on the contest post with a link to your review.
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
Contest URL: CyberStreet Report’s Ultimate Blog Promotion Contest (HUGE)
Prize: Ad space, review, EC credits, cash
Deadline: 19th January 2008
Huge blog contest at CyberStreet Report. Many prizes to win:
- 468×60 banner ad at the very top of this blog (advertised 1/20/08 through 2/29/08)
- Six 125×125 graphic ads under the sponsor’s portion of the sidebar (advertised 1/20/08 through 2/29/08)
- 10 text links located in the Favorite Links section of the sidebar (advertised 1/20/08 through 2/29/08)
- 1 Blog Review on CyberStreet Report authored by Bloggin-Ads
- 750 EntreCard Credits (given away 1/20/08)
- $25 via Paypal (given away 1/20/08)
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
Contest URL: Win a 125×125 Ad and Text Link
Prize: Free Ad space
Deadline: 31st January 2008
Free Advertising from impNERD! Winner will receive a 125×125 ad space on the right side of the site, plus a text link (no nofollow) on the winner post. To enter this blog contest, do the following things:
- Write a blog post about the contest and link to and to the contest post (+1)
- Add to your Technorati favs (+3)
- Subscribe by email to his RSS feed (+3)
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff
It's All About Blog Contests now :-) The best and easy-to-enter blog contests around the Net!
And if you want some more Entrecard Credits, check this SEO Blog and you may win 600 EC (2nd prize=200 EC)! To enter simply write a post about this contest and link to ONE of the following pages with the appropriate anchor text:
- URL: Anchor: Learn SEO or SEO Blog
- URL: Anchor: SEO Resource or SEO Resources
- URL: Anchor: SEO Tutorials or SEO Tutorial
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Entrecard, Other
International Blog Competition update: A.B.C. won first round!
Thank you everybody for your great support! 69:69 but my blog, was nominated earlier.
Now it's time for the 2nd round: Keep voting for ABC! Thanks!
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Other
Contest URL:Hey, you can win 100 bucks at our new wedding blog!
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 14th February 2008
Easy way to win $100 using your blog! Romance Tracker, the Place where you can find the best Romantic Ideas, is running a new blog contest to promote his new site: Wedding Idea Source.
To enter:
- Link back to Wedding Idea Source homepage, in a post, or on your blogroll (+1)
- Subscribe to RSS feeds (+1)
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Contests up to $100
Contest URL: Gizmo-meter
Prize: Various
Deadline: When the meter reaches 100%
Second contest from Wikigiz, a community blog for gadgets guru (first here). How does it works? It's really simple. Directly from the site:
The Gizmo-meter speed is determined by the number of page views, post comments, RSS Subscribers and Google Ads clicks! The more people visiting the site, the faster Gizmo-meter’s rate will be.When the meter reaches 100%, the winner notification box in RED will be spawned randomly. Current prize is a $20 Best Buy Gift Cards or $20 via Paypal (for international readers). Spread the World!
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff

Contest URL: Various, See Post
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 1st February 2008
Win $100 from these great blog:
To gain entries into the contest, just do any of the following:
- Subscribe to RSS via email (+2 per blog)
- Make a comment of value (not just "i agree", etc.) on a post (+1)
- Write a post about this contest with links to the contest page and to participating blogs (+25)
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Contests up to $100
Contest URL: Win an easy 100 bucks in our New Year Contest!
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 31st Jan 2008
New Year Contest from Contest Blogger, one of the best place for sweepstakes.
To enter simply write a post about this blog contest, and link to the site using the anchor text “sweepstakes”. Then drop him a line.
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Contests up to $100
Today starts the 4th International Blog Competition. It's a tournament where you can nominate your blog and compete with others ones around the world. The prize: a fantastic Virtual Blog Cup Trophy! I need your help :-) Vote for ABC! Thanks!
Categories: Other
First: I wish you all the best for this 2008!
And to start this new year, one new blog contest from Blog Paradise Contest Blog. Simply subscribe to his RSS feeds BY MAIL, and you can win FREE advertising. 5 prizes:
- 1st-2nd Prizes - 125x125px ad spot for1 month
- 3rd-5th Prizes - Text link in my blogroll for 1 month
Categories: CLOSED CONTESTS, Free Stuff