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Subscribe and Tweet to Win $100



Contest URL: Subscribe and Tweet to Win 100$ in Cash Blogging Contest
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 20th August 2010

Easy twitter contest from Blog Godown. You could win $100 Cash! Simply subscribe by mail to the site and tweet the following text:

Subscribe and Tweet to Win 100$ in Cash #Blogging #Contest http://bit.ly/dCeFw7

Then leave a comment with your twitter status to confirm your participation.

Win a $50 Amazon Card Each Week



Contest URL: Cheesycam DSLR Blog Contest – RT & Win!
Prize: Amazon Gift Card
Deadline: 31st August 2010

Get your chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card from CheesyCam.com. Just follow him on Twitter and Retweet the original contest post. There is one card for one random follower for each week until the end of August.

Giveaway Scout: Site Review



Today I’d like to present you Giveaway Scout, a new interesting and regularly updated search engine dedicated to the latest blog contest and sweepstakes.  They publish on various channels (web, newsletter, Twitter, Facebook and widget network) and you can add your giveaways for Free to their directory to get maximum exposure.

A.B.C. About Blog Contests suggest you to take a look and subscribe to the newsletter.

Win over $200 in Cash!



Contest URL: Sizzling Hot Summer Promo 2010
Prize: cash
Deadline: 23th August 2010

Win over $200 from Ed2group by joining their blog contest. There will be 3 winners of $50 paypal cash each.

Simply grab the badge and put it on your blog (PR 1 minimum). Then sign up on the site using the provided form. And If you join this contest thanks to About Blog Contests, please tell that gLf sent you (you get $1 for every Pr2 blog you refer)! Thanks!

Nat Geo Traveler Magazine Giveaway!



Contest URL: Win a Free Subscription to Nat Geo Traveler Magazine!
Prize: Magazine subscription
Deadline: 28th July 2010

Maitravelsite's Blog and Travelogue is giv­ing away a 1 year sub­scrip­tion to National Geo­graphic Trav­eler Mag­a­zine (8 issues)to celebrate its first birthday!

It’s very easy to enter: simply guess two very famous places in the world using the clues he’s giving in the next days trough the newsletter and via the blog. Check out the original post to know when he will pub­lish the clues.

Tilteed 1 Year Anniversary Giveaway



Contest URL: Win a Flip UltraHD for Tilteed’s 1 Year Anniversary!
Prize: Various
Deadline: 26th July 2010

Tilteed, an amazing t-shirts site, is one year old and to celebrate it’s running a fantastic giveaway where the Grand Prize is:

  • 1 Flip UltraHD
  • 1 Inprnt.com Art Print - 13” x 19” (1st choice of print)
  • Year of Tilteed Tees (2 a month, 24 total)

They’re also having daily contests on their website, Facebook page, and Twitter, where daily winners win a t-shirt and an entry into the grand prize drawing. Check out the site daily to get your chances!

The contest is open worldwide.

Summer Contests Reminder! Win Now!


A list of ending soon blog contests. Prizes for you summer! Check them out! And subscribe now to stay updated with the best and easiest online competitions!




Gift Card Win a Book Depository Gift Card 08/07/2010
Ebook Reader or Amazon Gift Card Win an E-reader or a $100 Amazon Card 15/07/2010
Paypal Cash Top 10 Summer Contest 15/07/2010
Apple iPad Win an Apple iPad from Zagg.com 31/07/2010
$100 Cash Interior Express Blog Contest – Win $100 31/07/2010
1000 Business Cards Win $1000 Uprinting Business Cards 01/09/2010