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2011 Financial Freedom Giveaway


imageContest URL: 2011 Financial Freedom Giveaway
Prize: Laptop, Amazon Gift Card, Cash
Deadline: 31st march 2011

Win a HP Mini Ice Berry Netbook with Couple Money! List of prize includes also Amazon Gift Cards, magazine subscriptions and cash! It’s very easy to enter:

  • Follow the blog on Twitter and send this tweet:
    “@Elle_CM is giving away a netbook and more for Couple Money readers! http://su.pr/40RItx #couplemoney” (+1)
  • Become a Couple Money Fan on Facebook (+1)
  • Write a blog post promoting the contest with a link to the original contest post (+5)

Win a Copy of Apple Video Converter Factory Pro


Dear Readers, a new contest from About Blog Contests in collaboration with WonderFox Soft. More coming soon, in the next few days…
You can win a Free License Code for Apple Video Converter Factory Pro (priced 29.95$), a video to Apple devices conversion software: iPhone Video Converter, iPod Video Converter, iPad Video Converter and Apple TV Video Converter into a single package! To win one of the 30 codes available, you only have to follow these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to my RSS feeds by email (if you are already a mail subscriber, simply confirm me your mail)
  2. Send me a mail with subject “Video Converter contest”, indicating the mail used for the subscription. So I can easily track all the entries.
The first 30 Entrants will receive the prize!
The contest start today and Ends April 3oth 2011. It’s open to international readers.

Xara Web Designer 6 Giveaway


imageContest URL: Contest: Win MAGIX Xara Web Designer 6
Prize: Software
Deadline: 15th March 2011

Win a copy of Xara Web Designer 6 an interesting software to create web sites of the highest professional quality. To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment, on the original contest post, that includes the phrase "Web Designer 6".

Winner of Budgeting in the Fun Stuff Contest

Just a little post to give a great thank you to Budgeting in the Fun Stuff and the sponsor Invest It Wisely. I’m the winner of their blog contest. The prize is a beautiful Amazon Gift Card.

And if you want to win too, you can! Join the best contest and giveaways:  you only have to subscribe to About Blog Contests FREE newsletter or follow me on Twitter!

March Giveaway at 101FreeTechBooks!


101FreeTechBooks (don’t you know this site? Read my review of 101FreeTechBooks) is one year old and to celebrate is hosting a wonderful giveaway: during March, they’re giving away 3 daily technical books! And a total of 11 titles for Saint Patrick's Day (17th March). So, what are you waiting for? Join 101FreeTechBooks now and start winning!
You can find full details of this promotion on 101FreeTechBooks Facebook page.

Win More Than $600 in Cash and Prizes!


Contest URL: First Blogoversary – HUGE Giveaway – More Than $600 Worth of Cash and Prizes!!!
Prize: Various
Deadline: 6th March 2011

More than $600 worth of Cash and Prizes from Budgeting in the Fun Stuff, an interesting personal finance blog. You can win Amazon Gift Cards but also paypal money and Free Books v(Read original blog contest post for full details).

You have many options to enter this contest and gain your entries: