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RSS Awareness Day


RSS Awareness Day

Today I'm going to celebrate The 1st RSS Awareness Day.
Do you know RSS? Do you use it? Let me explain:

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format used to deliver information from websites and pages that get updated regularly. An RSS document (which is called feed) contains either a summary or the full content from a website.

The main benefit of RSS is that it enables people to stay connected with their favorite websites without having to visit them. Once you subscribe to a particular RSS feed, you will automatically receive updates from the website that publishes the feed, whenever they release new content.

You can use online RSS readers (like Google Reader, Bloglines, Newsgator, Netvibes) or your email. Take a look at the video below:

So, why don't you try to subscribe to About Blog Contests? Stay updated with all the best and simplest blog contest around the Net!

1 commenti:

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is amazing! Not too long ago, I learned out the importance of RSS feeds. It might have been on the 1st when I really got down and researched about them. I submitted to a few RSS directories also. Such a coincidence!

Hey, I am running a best badge/banner contest on my blog. The prize is $10 and it will run until the 31st of this month. I have a badge on my site if you ever care to post my competition up. I will link you to my blog if you do. Thanks! =)

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