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Taking a Break


To ALL my dear readers:

Something has changed and I'm going to take a break from blogging for about one month, maybe less, maybe more. I don't know yet. Please don't leave me: I really want to keep up this project.

I will be back, I promise you. For now, you can stay updated with the best and simplest blog contest thanks to my friends: check out my list of Contest Blogs and don't miss your chance to win!

Thank you so much for being a part of About Blog Contest!

A Contest Blog List



Do you want to run a blog contest? Are you looking for the best way to promote your contest? Check out this list of contest blogs: reviewed and guaranteed by A.B.C. About Blog Contests: only the best ones, regularly updated and free, of course! Enjoy!

*** LAST UPDATED ON 10th DECEMBER 2009 ***

  1. All Blog Contest
  2. Blog Contest Station
  3. Blog Paradise
  4. Blogging Contests
  5. Contest Beat
  6. Contest Blogger
  7. Contest Hunter
  8. Contest Time
  9. Contest Valley
  10. Free Giveaway Contest
  11. Free online contests
  12. I Heart Contest
  13. Indo Contest
  14. Make Money Online
  15. My Blog Contest
  16. Sherry Contest
  17. The Prize King
  18. Win With Deanna
  19. Italia Blog Contest (only for Italian)

Win $20 Every Week from Garanew



Contest URL: GET Your $20 Here Every Week
Prize: Cash
Deadline: Every Friday

Easy contest from Garanew.com where you can win $20 every week! To enter simply write a post on your blog including the following text:

Read the latest celebrity gossip and Amy Winehouse news on Garanew.com.

Win Cash from Web-Freak

Contest URL: Web-Freak, 1st Blog Contest ~ Cash and Links!
Prize: Cash, Free Advertising
Deadline: 15th October 2008

First Blog Contest from Web-Freak.com. 3 prizes for 3 winners:

To enter you have many options:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+5)
  • Write a post about this contest (+5)
  • Stumble/Digg any of his Post (+1)

Win $25 from Europe Stamps



Contest URL: Europe Stamps contest
: $25
Deadline: 15th October 2008

Simple contest from Europe Stamps. You can win $25. Simply put a link to this site on your blog/site and get points when people click it. The more points you gain, the higher chance to win.

See contest post for complete rules.

Contest SCAM Alert



One of the contest featured here, the one of rishabhsood.net where you could win an iPod Nano is FAKE: he's not giving the prize to anybody and he has removed the contest post...

Many thanks to Navjot Singh, the owner of Submit Your Contest that found this scam. You can read details of his investigations here: Another Scamster is in the making with 2 contests.

Please REMOVE the post linking back to rishabhsood.net.

Sorry from ABC for giving to you such rubbish.

Win a Free iPod Nano



Contest URL: Enkay’s Free Ebook
: iPod Nano
Deadline: 15th October 2008

Win a FREE iPod Nano from Enkay Blog. Three simple steps to enter:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+2)
  • Download his free blogging ebook (+1)
  • Write a post about this contest (+5)

Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


Contest URL: What We’re Looking To Do With Our Finances In The Next Year (And A Contest)
: Amazon Gift Cards
Deadline: 15th October 2008

Free From Broke is giving away 3 Amazon Gift Certificate ($75, $15, and $10) to celebrate his first blogoversary. Congratulations from ABC! You have many ways to gain your point, take a look at the original post for details.

Win Cash from New Look Houston



Contest URL: Link Contest from New Look Laser Tattoo Removal
: Cash
Deadline: 8th October 2008

Houston Tattoo Removal Blog is running an easy blog contest where one lucky winner will get $50. To enter you only have to write a post about it linking to the tattoo removal main page and to the contest post. Then contact the blog by mail with your entry.

Win Cash from Sharing My Thoughts


Contest URL: to celebrate my new domain
Prize: Cash, EC, Advertising
Deadline: 5th October 2008

Sharing My Thoughts is running a blog contest to celebrate her new domain. Prizes are as follows:

One Winner:

  • One year subscription to Good Housekeeping Magazine if the winner is from the Philippines or US $15 to be credited to a PayPal Account for an International Winner
  • 1,500 EC credits
  • Free month (30 days) 125×125 ad on the blog

5 winners:

  • Free month (30 days) 125×125 ad on the blog
  • 1000 EC credits to the first 30 participants

To enter gain your points:

  • Add the blog to your blogroll - REQUIRED
  • Leave a comment on HER blog - REQUIRED
  • Fave her blog on Technorati (+4)
  • Subcribe to her feed (+4)
  • Write a blog post linking back to the contest (+3)
  • Do all of the above and you'll gain 3 bonus entries

Subscribe to SlyVisions and Win Cash


Contest URL: Subscribe to SlyVisions and Win Some Cash
Prize: Cash (Paypal)
Deadline: 4th October 2008 (Ending SOON)

Subscribe to SlyVisions by mail and win cash. There will be a total of 3 winners ($15 each). Hurry up, it ends very soon!