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Taking a Break


To ALL my dear readers:

Something has changed and I'm going to take a break from blogging for about one month, maybe less, maybe more. I don't know yet. Please don't leave me: I really want to keep up this project.

I will be back, I promise you. For now, you can stay updated with the best and simplest blog contest thanks to my friends: check out my list of Contest Blogs and don't miss your chance to win!

Thank you so much for being a part of About Blog Contest!

10 commenti:

danandmarsh said...

Hope everything is ok and it's just a needed break.
Thank you for listed my blog on your contest blogs list, very thoughtful of you.
Hope to see you back soon.

Anonymous said...

I'll be waiting for you comeback, buddy.
Hope it will be soon. ;)

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog this week - Hope you have a good break from blogging and come back refreshed. I've got contests for you to list when you're back :)

Anonymous said...

Have a good break buddy! See you soon! :)

Sherry Go Sharing said...

hey, congrats on your winning in the stamp contest :)

have a nice break!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

hi not sure how long is your break but want to tell you the contest http://chethstudios.blogspot.com/2008/11/chethstudios.html
maybe you can post in comment there say Sherry is your referral thanks. the contest ends on Jan 1 2009

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs a break every now and then. Once you start writing again, people will return. Fear not my friend!

Anonymous said...

hello there! care for an exchange link with my new blog?? http://www.iluvcontests.com

please leave me a message if i merit a favor from you. ^_^ thanks!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

Happy New Year !!

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone,

How are you? Eight O'clock coffee has a cool contest that starts today. It's celebrating its 150th Anniversary. Check out http://www.coffeemakeover.com when you have a chance. Winner gets 5,000 dollar food shopping spree.

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