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Win Cash from TechXav



Contest URL: Win $100 Cash in TechXav’s First Giveaway
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 14th March 2009

Win cash from Tech Xav. 3 prizes for you:

  • 1st Prize: US$50
  • 2nd Prize: US$30
  • 3rd Prize: US$20

To enter you only have to subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail. You can gain more points by doing the following things:

  • Write a post about this contest (+10)
  • Answer a short quiz (+5)

2 commenti:

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to your RSS feed
dixiecrat44 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but it's not my contest, it's Tech Xav contest. You have to subscribe to his blog to enter...

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