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Win an iPod Alarm Clock



Register to Duvet and Pillow Warehouse and you could win a retro iPod Alarm Clock! The lucky winner will be randomly selected on the 1st of each calendar month.

Ranging Tech Twitter Contest



Contest URL: Raging Tech Twitter Contest - WIN $20 USD PayPal
Prize: $20 (paypal)
Deadline: 30th April 2009

Try to win $20 Cash from Ranging Tech. Two prizes for you:

  • 1st prize: $20 USD paid via PayPal
  • 2nd prize: Mystery Prize!?!? for most creative Tweet.

And you have three options to enter:

  • Follow @ragingtech and Tweet about this contest on Twitter linking his blog post directly (+1)
  • Leave a comment on the contest post (+1)
  • Write a post about this contest (100 words minimum), then leave a comment on the contest post (+1)
Winner will be chosen randomly from entries. And the 2nd Prize winner will be chosen based on most creative Tweet.

Win Amazon Gift Cards at Togetherville


Contest URL: Togetherville
Prize: Amazon gift cards
Deadline: 30th March 2009

Great giveaway from Togetherville, a new internet experience that empowers kids with safe exploring, connectivity and learning opportunities. You have the opportunity to win 2 Amazon Gift cards ($25 each):

  1. Sign-up to be notified about their Beta Launch -- Enter your email at the top of the page to be placed in the $25 gift card drawing.
  2. Fill out a short survey for a chance to win another $25 Amazon gift card. The link is located at the bottom of the page.

Win Cash from GoTipster


GoTipsters.Com - Free Soccer Tips 
Contest URL: $50 Plus Prizes With My GoTipsters Cash Competition!
Prize: Cash, Free advertising
Deadline: 12th April 2009

Great cash contest from GoTipsters.Com and their website’s grand launching. Follow their soccer tips and football predictions and you could win a lot of prizes:

  • $50 Cash (via PayPal)
  • Exclusive and private 3 (three) soccer tips
  • A one month free 125×125 banner placement in all GoTipsters.com pages!

To enter gain your points:

  • Write a post about this contest using he anchor text ‘soccer tips and football predictions(+120)
  • Write a blog post (minimum 200 words) about GoTipsters website (+100)
  • Add the site to your blogroll (+70)
  • Leave a comment on another sport blog or website letting them know about GoTipsters website (+60)
  • Sign up to Text Link Ads (+50)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+50)

Ben Pei’s No Brainer Blog Contest


Contest URL: Ben Pei’s No Brainer Blog Contest
Prize: Cash, Advertisement
Deadline: 30th April 2009

Great blog contest from PeiProfit. Take a look at the prizes:

To enter follow the steps:

Step 1: Follow @PeiProfit On Twitter and Tweet the Following Message to Your Followers:

I’ve just entered Ben Pei’s No Brainer Blog Contest. You can win by following @PeiProfit and Retweet. http://xr.com/oke

Step 2: Subscribe to his newsletter by mail

Step 3: Copy and Paste The Following And Post On Your Blog:

Ben Pei has come up with a no brainer contest on his make money online blog Pei Profit Dot Com. It only requires you complete four simple tasks like copying and pasting. The only reason that he is making it so simple to bring home those attractive prizes is that he wants to make winning easy for his readers. Prizes include $50 cash prize via PayPal, Atomic Blogging 3.0, Ultimate Blogging Theme, Banner Ad On GarryConn.com and 1 Year Membership On AdTracker.

Well if you are not heading over and grab your chance, others will! No more complicated reviews, no more linking to 10,000 sponsors. ONLY copy and paste and you could walk away with these big prizes!

Check out all the details of how you can enter the Ben Pei’s No Brainer Blog Contest now.

Step 4: Comment on the contest post telling what you have done

Win a MacBook Air from Ben Behrouzi



Contest URL: Twitter Giveaway - Win A MacBook Air From Me
Prize: MacBook Air
Deadline: 31st March 2009

Win a fantastic MacBook Air from Ben Behrouzi!
To enter you only have to send Ben this twitter message:

@BenBehrouzi Ben count me in the MacBook Air Giveaway! http://tinyurl.com/de7f6b

Then leave a comment on the contest post.

Win A Kodak OLED Photo Frame



Contest URL: OLED-Info Kodak Photo frame contest - 800$ in prizes!
Prize: Kodak OLED wireless photo frame
Deadline: 29th April 2009 (open worldwide)

Win a fantastic Kodak OLED wireless photo frame ($800) from OLED-info. Some technical info about this cool Oled gadget: 7.6" AMOLED display, 800x480 resolution, contrast ratio of 30,000:1, built-in Wi-Fi, 2GB of storage. The best place to showcase your photos, absolutely.

To enter you have 3 options:

  • Follow the site on Twitter (+1)
  • Write a post about this contest with link to the site and little info about this gadget (+1)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+1)

Win Cash from PSDeluxe



Contest URL: Subscribers contest
Prize: Cash and software license
Deadline: 26th April 2009

First contest at PSDeluxe to celebrate its birthday. Here the prizes:

First Prize:

Second Prize: Third Prize:

It’s very easy to enter:

  • Be a member of Psdeluxe.com
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail
  • Save Psdeluxe.com as bookmark on delicious.com
  • Follow him on twitter

Win Cash from CashLagoon Guru


Contest URL: $20 Giveaway - Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Prize: Cash
Deadline: from April 2nd to April 15th 2009

Cash Giveaway from CashLagoon Guru. To enter you need to be a referral of him on CashLagoon. The one who earns the most from completing offers during the contest time wins $20 (Paypal).

Win Free Rapidshare Accounts



Contest URL: Free Rapidshare Accounts Contest March.
Prize: Rapidshare account
Deadline: 30th March 2009

Win Free Rapidshshare Accounts from Computer Talks celebrating his first year! Here the prizes:

  • 1st: 1 year Rapidshare premium account (71$)
  • 2nd: 1 month Rapidshare account (9$)
  • 3rd: 1 month Rapidshare account (9$)
  • 4th: 1 month Rapidshare account (9$)

To enter the competition follow the rules

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (to be eligible for 1st prize)
  • Write a post about this contest (to be eligible for the last 3 prizes)

Win Cash from Techuse



Contest URL: Contest - Prizes Worth $200+
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 15th April 2009

Win cash from Techuse. Here the prizes:

1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize

Other Prizes: The top two commenter of the blog will receive $5 cash. An ebook guiding you on link-building via blog commenting will be given to each and every subscribe

To enter this competition gain your points:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+5) – MANDATORY
  • Write a post about this contest includinf the sponsor links and prizes (+10)
  • Comment on any post (+2 Entries per 5 comments)
  • Social bookmark the contest post (+1 each)

Win Cash from iDito.net


Contest URL: Follow Me On Twitter And Win 100 Dollars
Prize: Cash (Paypal)
Deadline: 1st May 2009

Follow iDito on Twitter and you could win $100. To enter just Tweet the following text:

“Just Entered in $100 Contest. Follow @idito and Retweet. http://cli.gs/8d9anU …He Also Follows Back!!!!”

Win Cash from TemplateZine



Contest URL: TemplateZine Subscribers Contest - $100 Cash prizes!
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 16th March 2009

First blog contest from TemplateZine. Subscribe to his RSS and win Cash. 10 subscribers will be randomly selected to win each $10. Double your chance by blogging about this contest on your blog.

Win Hello Kitty Gadgets



Prize: Hello Kitty Gadgets
Deadline: 1st April 2009

Win cool Hello Kitty Gadgets from Kitty Rulez. It’s very easy to enter: simply write a post about this contest, linking to the site homepage and using the provided banner. Then leave a comment on the contest post telling you are in. Winners will be selected using the Italian bingo extraction.

Win $50 and a T-Shirt



Contest URL:Win $50 and a T-Shirt in our ‘The Economy Sucks’ Contest!
Prize: $50 + T-Shirt
Deadline: 31st march 2009

Win $50 and a Funny T-Shirts from ChewingGlass Tees. To enter gain your points:

  • Register on Teextile as a user (+1)
  • Write a post about this contest linking to the homepage and to the contest post (+2)

Win cash from BloggerTricks



Contest URL: Contest on BloggerTricks.com - Win $100 Cash - Paypal
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 25th March 2009

Great contest from Blogger Tricks and the sponsors:

HomeImprovementCorner.com - Home Improvement Contractors
Banner-ad-blog.com - Banner Ad Blog & Directory

You have the chance to win six cash prizes:

  • 1st Place : $50
  • 2nd Place : $25
  • 3rd Place: $15
  • 4th, 5th & 6th Places : $5 each

To enter gain as many points as you can, because the winner will be chosen on the most number of points. Here your options:

  • Leave a comment on the contest post (+2)
  • Digg the post (+3)
  • Write a post about this contest – 100 words minimum and linking to the two contest sponsors (+15 x PR)
  • Add a small banner to your site (+10)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+10)

    Win $25 from The Tattooed Gourmet


    Contest URL: My 100th Post $25 giveaway!
    Prize: $25 (paypal)
    Deadline: 31st March 2008

    100th post for Bryan at The Tattooed Gourmet. Congratulations! To celebrate he’s holding an easy contest where you can win $25. To enter:

    • Leave a comment on the contest post (+1)
    • Twitter about this contest with a link to this post (+1)
    • Write a post about this contest (+1)

    Win $100 from Great Sites To Visit


    Contest URL: Great Sites Cold Hard Cash Contest
    Prize: $100
    Deadline: 21st March 2008 30th April 2009

    Simply contest from Great Site Reviews, an interesting and informative place that reviews useful sites, applications and web based tools. You can win cold hard cash:

    • $100.00 (paypal or check or a Amazon Gift Card or a Visa Gift Card)

    It’s easy to enter: write a blog post about the contest using the links and the anchor text provided.

    Double your changes by following him on twitter and tweeting about the contest with a link.

    Win Cash from Japan Phot Guide


    Contest URL: Contest: Win $209 and other prizes from Japan Photo Guide
    Prize: Cash
    Deadline: 28th March 2009

    Win $209 Cash (via Paypal) and photos from Japan Photo Guide. You have a lot of options to gain your points and enhance your chances of winning. Don’t forget to leave a comment to say you are in!