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Win Awesome Prizes from ShoeMoney



Contest URL: Motive Announces New Contest With Awesome Prizes!
Prize: Various
Deadline: 30th June 2009

Huge contest at Shoemoney sponsored by Motive Interactive! Three ways to enter and different prize for each one:

1) Join Motive Interactive and earn within any of the Commission Levels above during the month of June. Contest tier prizes only awarded to new Motive affiliates signed up through this blog during June 2009. YOU HAVE TO SIGN UP THROUGH THIS LINK TO BE ELIGIBLE

2) Follow @Motive and Tweet this contest on Twitter. Just “tweet” the following from your Twitter account and you are automatically entered to win a new iPod Shuffle each week.

“Follow @motive and join Top Rated CPA Affiliate Network Motive Interactive to make money and win big prizes! http://xr.com/s1g RT 2 WIN! “

3) Blog about this contest promotion. If you have a blog, simply link back to ShoeMoney’s contest blog page and talk about this contest. Then you will be entered to win a new Xbox 360 Elite plus two games.

Awesome prizes for the Affiliate Contest: 1st Class Trip to Las Vegas and up to $5000 in cash! Check out the original post for full details.

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