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Win Tech Gadgets from TestFreaks



Contest URL: Weekly Contest #14 & 15 – NZXT Cryo S and four USB Drives
Prize: Tech Gadgets
Deadline: 29th August 2009

Interesting contest from Test Freaks. These are the prizes:

  1. NZXT Cryo S Notebook Cooler (ONLY US RESIDENTS)
  2. Two 2GB USB drives
  3. Two 16GB USB drives

To enter there are different rules for each prize:

  1. To win the Cooler, leave a comment telling you want it
  2. To win the 2GB drive, leave a comment telling which one you like (the Happy Cow or the Skull)
  3. To win the 16GB drive, spread the word by making a post on your blog or by following @testfreaks and tweeting about this contest

2 commenti:

Campanola Watches said...

I am so glad I found this! Almost the last day--whew. close call.

123434325 said...

SO unlucky now only i found it =[

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