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Winner of Test Freaks Contest


Just a few words to say thanks to Test Freaks for his recent contest. I’m the winner of a fantastic 16GB USB drive! Take a look at the photo.

And now there is another great contest running on the blog. You can win a Wi-Fire WiFi Adapter!


To enter you only have to comment on the original contest post telling why you want this gadget. A blog post or a Tweet about the contest is much appreciated too. Deadline is the 3d October. Open Worldwide.

iPhone 3GS 32GB Giveaway


Contest URL: iPhone 3GS 32GB Giveaway!
Prize: iPhone 3G 32GB
Deadline: 4th October 2009

TNEC (The ‘New Entrepreneur’ Conference) is giving you the chance to win 3 32GB iPhone 3GS! To enter, simply complete the following tasks:

  • Follow @tneconf on Twitter.
  • Tweet the following message: RT @tneconf: I’m tweeting for the chance to win an 32GB iPhone 3GS! You can too, simply goto http://bit.ly/9Fl17 for how to enter! #tnec2010
  • Subscribe to TNEC newsletter (you must confirm your subscription otherwise your entry will be void).

3 iPhone every 3 days:

  • iPhone 32GB 3GS – Black: 28th September 2009
  • iPhone 32GB 3GS – Black: 1st October 2009
  • iPhone 32GB 3GS – White: 4th October 2009

Win $60 in Cash from Technogati



Contest URL: Blog Contest: Win $60 In Cash By Participating In The Contest
Prize: Cash, Free Advertising
Deadline: 18th October 2009
Previous contest: Win Cash from Technogati

Second Blog Contest from Technogati.com. Cash and Free advertising as prizes:

  • $60 Cash by Paypal (1 winner)
  • 75×75 ad spot free for One month on Technogati footer (2 Winners)

To enter this giveaway simply gain your point, 3 at least:

  • Subscribe to Technogati Newsletter (+2)
  • ReTweet the original contest post using the Re Tweet (Green) Button below the post (+1)
  • Post on Facebook wall using Facebook post button near the title of the post (+1)
  • Write a post about this contest (+1)

Win a Wi-Fire USB Adapter



Contest URL: Free gadget giveaway: Win a Wi-Fire long range WiFi adapter
Prize: Wi-Fire USB adapter
Deadline: 27th September 2009

Win a Wi-Fire long range WiFi adapter to expand your laptop WiFi range from GadgetLite. Contest is open worldwide. To enter this free giveaway, follow these simple rules:

  1. Subscribe to GadgetLite RSS feeds
  2. Comment on the contest post with a valid email
  3. Follow the site GadgetLite on Twitter
  4. Write a post about this contest (optional)

Vote and Win a Free Card



Contest URL: Want to have $10 and a FREE Customized Card? Here's how.
Prize: 10% of the prize
Deadline: 1st October 2009

Check out great card designs from noelevz on Foldees.com and vote for him on the current Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto contest. You only have to register (it’s free) and vote for his designs (from 1 to 5 stars). If he win the competition, he will give you 10% of the prize.

More: if you vote for all the card designs, you’ll receive a coupon code to receive a FREE Customized Card directly at your door step!

Win the New iPhone 3Gs 32Gb



Contest URL: Concorso iLoveTrading.it
Prize: iPhone 3Gs 32Gb
Deadline: 27th September 2009

Interesting blog contest from iLoveTrading an Italian site focused on finance and economy. The prize is the new iPhone 3Gs 32Gb. To enter simply do the following:

  • Write a post about this contest including a link to the homepage and the original contest post
  • Then send a mail to concorso@ilovetrading.it telling your nick name and your blog post

Winner will be chosen randomly, on a points basis (the more points you have the more your chances to win). Points will be determined as follows:

  • Google Page Rank (PR 3= 3 points, for example)
  • Number of blogs you use to enter (+2 each blog)
  • If you use a blog focused on economy you gain 5 points. Otherwise only 3 points.

Win Cash and Domain Names


Contest URL: First Blog Contest — 9th Sept 09 to 17 Oct 09
Prize: Cash and domains
Deadline: 21st October 2009

First blog contest for Anurag Bhateja to celebrate 25 years of his life. First of all: All the best from About Blog Contest! These are the prizes:

  • 1st prize: USD 50 + 2 domains of your choice (.com, .net, .org type price slab) + Flickr pro for 1 yr (can be converted into cash)
  • USD 25 + 1 domain of your choice
  • USD 10 + 1 domain of your choice
  • 10 domains will be given to randomly selected people.

To enter the competitions follow the rules:

  • Write about the blog contest with a link back to the original contest post (+5 – only oneblog post review will be counted)
  • Stumble it, digg it, tweet it. (+2 each)
  • Comment on the blog posts and old posts (+1 point for every 2 comments)

And if you want, some more bonus point:

  • If you have flickr account add me and comment on my pictures here (+1 point for every 5 comments)
  • Write a small review on theoriginof.com on your blog (+5)

$25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway


Contest URL: Giveaway: $25 Amazon Gift Card (9/30)
Prize: Amazon Gift Card
Deadline: 30th September 2009

Win a $25 Amazon Gift Card from Just Another New Blog. To enter gain your point by doing the following:

  • Write a post about this giveaway linking to the original contest post (+2)
  • Follow the site on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway (+1)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+1)
  • Became a follower of the blog (+1 each)
  • Add the blog link to your blog roll or the blog button to your sidebar (+1 each)
  • Digg, stumble, etc. this giveaway (+1 each)
  • Follow the blog on Networked Blogs (+1)
  • Enter another one of her giveaways and leave a comment you did (+1 each)

These are the others giveaways currently running on the blog:

Vote and Win Cash and Prizes



Contest URL: Win Cash and Prizes for voting for me
Prize: Various
Deadline: 30th September 2009

Tycoon Blogger needs your help: Vote for him in the Famous Bloggers Club Exclusive Contest (you can only vote once, voting ends on 30th September) and if he reaches 1st, 2nd or 3rd place he will split the prize with you! Cash, Advertising spots and Free ElegantThemes membership for you!

+++ Vote for Tycoon Blogger Here +++

Win a Trip for Two to Europe



Contest URL: Win KLM Flights to one of their 80 European Cities
Prize: Two pairs of tickets to Europe
Deadline: 21st October 2009

Wego.com a Travel Search Engine based in Singapore is currently running a travel blog contest. It’s easy to participate and get a chance to win a trip for 2 to any Europe destination via KLM (open to residents of Singapore only). There will be 2 pairs of tickets to be won. Gain your point:

  • Signup for their newletter (+1)
  • Refer your friends (+1 each)
  • Follow Wego on Twitter and tweet about the contest with #wego (+1)
  • Become a fan of Wego on facebook and update your status mentioning the contest with “http://bit.ly/inspiration2009″ in the update. (+1)
  • Blog about the competition (+5)