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Gambling Wordpress Themes Contest



Contest URL: Gambling Wordpress Themes Launch Contest
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 15th December 2009 - Extended to 3 January 2010

Gambling Wordpress Themes, a site that features free wordpress themes which includes Poker Wordpress Themes, Roulette Wordpress Themes and even Basketball Wordpress Themes is having a blog contest wherein you could win a total of $100 cash and advertisements.

To enter this launch blog contest, gain your points:

  • Write a post about this contest with the same words I’ve used (see above paragraph) (+5)
  • Submit the original contest post to any social bookmarking sites, Digg, stumble, twitter and etc (+2 each)
  • Include the provided banner on your sidebar linking back to the site (+5)
  • Add Gambling Wordpress Themes on your blog roll (+5)

Then leave a comment on the contest post with the task you have performed. These are the prizes:

  • 1st Prize - $50
  • 2nd Prize - $30
  • 3rd Prize - $20
  • Consolation prizes: 4 winners of 125×125 banners in Gambling Wordpress Themes

1 commenti:

Unknown said...

Collection of WordPress themes with a graphical and textual preview available for each theme. Sorting and search feature as well.
Wordpress Theme Download

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