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Win a Free Domain Name!



Contest URL: Get a Free Domain Name !
Prize: Domain name
Deadline: 28th March 2010

Win a free domain (.com, .net, .info, .me, .mobi, .uk, .fr, .tel, .be, .eu) from Sandeep Hegde. To enter gain your points:

  • Subscribe to his RSS Feed (+10)
  • Be his fan on Facebook (+10)
  • Follow him on twitter at twitter.com/sandeephegde (+10)
  • Tweet the following text on your twitter account (+10)
  • Entered #Free #Domain #Names #Contest by @sandeephegde at http://wp.me/pKQld-iO

  • Comment on different blog posts on the site with some meaningful lines. No spam like good post etc (+5 for each comment)
  • Provide back link to sandeephegde.me from your site (+1 of every unique visitor coming from your site)
  • Write a post on your blog about this contest and provide a track back to this post. (+50)
  • Write a guest post for his blog. (+50 if your article is selected)

11 commenti:

Vengadachalam T said...

Interesting Contest....I recently got the Free hosting for my website,i registered the Domain Name in the site http://www.tucktail.com/ they provided me Free hosting plan ...

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I am planning for making my own blog for fashion jewelry, is this contest useful for that as well?

gLf said...

Sure you can enter this contest for that purpose

Naser said...

I dont think all can win this contest because many entriies must have been given and randomly choosen entries will be selected

gLf said...

@naser you can give a try...who knows...

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It would be great to get a free domain name. I'm definitely going to participate in this contest.

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