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Leapfish and JoeTech Giveaway


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Contest URL: Leapfish $100k Cash Dash And JoeTech Giveaway
Prize: See post
Deadline: May 15th 2010 or when he wins something from Leapfish

Ask JoeTech for a Leapfish invite (an interesting all-in-one search engine), then register with Leapfish when you get the invitation. For additional entries, just tweet his contest link or post to Facebook.

Prizes are a Vuzix iWear AV310 Wide Screen Head Mounted Display or Warpia Wireless USB PC To TV Adapter

On May 15, 2010 (or when he wins something from Leapfish, whichever comes first), he’ll randomly draw a winner. If JoeTech wins something from Leapfish, his contest winner gets BOTH prizes.

Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest


National Geographic Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest

The 3rd Annual Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest is happening now! Send in your best photos-in categories like Animals/Wildlife, Travel, and Weather-for a chance to win a National Geographic Expeditions trip for two to Greece and a feature in an upcoming issue of National Geographic magazine.

There's no question about one thing: To get the best shot, you need the best equipment. That's where Energizer comes in. Energizer® Ultimate Lithium AA and AAA batteries are the world's longest lasting batteries in high-tech devices. They last up to eight times longer than Energizer® MAX® in digital cameras (results vary by camera)-which means you can take your mind off your batteries and focus on capturing that winning photo.

Deadline: 30th June 2010

National Geographic Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest National Geographic Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest

7 Day Health Video Contest


Contest URL
: 7 Day Health Video Contest
Prize: Amazon Gift cards
Deadline: 18th April 2010

New contest from yeahtips to celebrate their new Health Video Store on the site. To win one of 3 Amazon Gift Cards (1 of $25, 2 of $10), you have to promote this initiative by doing the following:

  • Follow them on Twitter
  • Social bookmark or Tweet their new Health Video Store
  • Log in to their blog using your social network and invite your friends.
  • Tweet/update status on your social networks
  • Blog about our contest and our Health Video Page.

You can use any of the following tweets to update your status or Tweet on Twitter:

I just entered to win a $25 Amazon.com Gift Card with @Yeahtips – Enter to win: http://www.yeahtips.com/2010/04/11/video-contest/

Free shipping on Popular Fitness workout videos on orders over $20 Visit : http://www.yeahtips.com/health-video-store/

Most active participant wins!

Win a $15 Amazon Gift Card


Contest URL
: Amazon.com Giveaway
Prize: Amazon Gift Card
Deadline: 18th April 2010

First contest for Glamour Girl Reviews. You could win a $15 Amazon Gift Card. Many ways to enter this giveaway:

  • Leave a comment on the original contest post telling what you would like to buy off of Amazon (+1)
  • Follow her blog on Google Friend Connect (+2)
  • Leave a comment on any other non-giveaway post (+1)
  • Add her button to your blog (+5)
  • Become a fan of Glamour Girl Reviews on Facebook (+1)
  • Tweet the following phrase (+1 per tweet, 1 tweet per day):
    "Enter to win a $15 Amazon Gift card from Glamour Girl Reviews @luckykrystal http://tinyurl.com/yh4g34q Ends 4/18"