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Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest


National Geographic Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest

The 3rd Annual Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest is happening now! Send in your best photos-in categories like Animals/Wildlife, Travel, and Weather-for a chance to win a National Geographic Expeditions trip for two to Greece and a feature in an upcoming issue of National Geographic magazine.

There's no question about one thing: To get the best shot, you need the best equipment. That's where Energizer comes in. Energizer® Ultimate Lithium AA and AAA batteries are the world's longest lasting batteries in high-tech devices. They last up to eight times longer than Energizer® MAX® in digital cameras (results vary by camera)-which means you can take your mind off your batteries and focus on capturing that winning photo.

Deadline: 30th June 2010

National Geographic Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest National Geographic Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest

2 commenti:

translation shanghai said...

photo contest saved my business. I would gladly pay over $600 for photo contest. Dude, your stuff is the bomb!

make money online said...

thanks for the info I'll be sending my entry soon

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