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DesignCrowd Blog Contest! Win $1000!


Contest URL: DesignCrowd Blog Contest
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 20 May 2010

One of the best blog contest I’ve ever seen in a long long time. Clear, simple and with huge prizes: an example to follow. The promoter is DesignCrowd and if you enter you can win:

  • $1,000 Cash - if you are the blog that gets the most Tweets or Diggs
  • $20 Cash - if you are among the first 50 blogs to get over 50 Tweets or Diggs

To enter this great competition you have to write a blog post about DesignCrowd and send your link to them using the provided submittion form before the 20th of May 2010. There are few rules to follow:

  • You must include your own description (and possibly honest comments) of DesignCrowd
  • Your post must have a minimum of 250 words
  • Your post must include 1 or more link to DesignCrowd
  • You should your blog to either Digg or Twitter
  • You can’t take any text from DesignCrowd
  • You must be over 18 years of age

Review of DesignCrowd

The concept behind DesignCrowd is very interesting. Designers and Businesses have an online marketplace to encounter themselves and get the most from each other. The final result is a win-win situation. Here is how it works:

Design Contest

How DesignCrowd Works _ DesignCrowd

You are a new startup and you need, for example, a brand new logo or a fresh web design. You post your design requirements, providing full details, like budget and deadline. DesignCrowd connect you with designers from all around the world (from 25 up to 100) that will provide a wide range of ideas to choose from. Once you have a full overview of all these creativity works, once you have shared them with your colleagues and friends, you can choose the right one and download it immediately.

Freelance Jobs

How DesignCrowd Works _ DesignCrowd2

This process is similar. The main difference is that you chose one singular designer without seeing other designers projects. You post you project (what you like for you business), then interested designers respond (from 5 to 10). After viewing their portfolios and getting in touch with them, you can select your favorite: now you are ready to receive the designs from the selected designers though the site. You have full control over the project, you can provide feedback or give any type of suggestion. Once approved the work, you can download it.

Design Gallery - Best Designs

This is a brief overview of the site potential. If you want to learn more, I suggest you to take a look to DesignCrowd testimonial page or view the best design galleries to get an idea over this unique service. For sure, you will not loose your money and you will not get puerile an incomprehensible mess (like the London Olympic Games Committee did, some years ago..).

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