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The Disabled Shop Blogging Contest



Contest URL:The Disabled Shop Blogging Contest
Prize: Cash and more
Deadline: 18th December 2010 – Open Worldwide

The Disabled Shop is running an interesting blog contest dedicated to people who are disabled or who work with disability. The winner will win:

  1. £250.00 in cash (about $400)
  2. The opportunity to become a paid blogger.

To enter this competition, you have to be a blogger and write a new and original post related either to disability or disability products. Visit the original contest post for full details.

6 commenti:

Christie Klein said...

Awesome! Definitely going to reblog this!

kailus said...

Worth giving it a try, for sure.

Dan said...

Would be sweet to get. Too bad my only disability is that I have no disability.

gLf said...

Thanks all for stopping by! I think is a great blog contest, a great opportunity.

Man Ray said...

Sounds so interesting! I've started to love blogging when I was engaged in online writing competition last year. If I have time, I'll join this contest. I read a lot of blogs and I learn that SEO has something to do in making a certain site visible on the SERPs. That's why there are businesses who trust the services of white hat SEO resellers.

Ocean Paradise said...

Hello, Thanks for the information. Blogs seems to be interesting. Blogging in Seo is really very helpful for promoting your business and generate traffic.

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