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Bubble Head Contest: Last Day to Enter


Dear About Blog Contests readers, today (30th April 2011) is the last day to enter my Bobble Head Contest! You could win a custom bobblehead of yourself from 1minime.com with two simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to my RSS feeds by email (if you are already a mail subscriber, simply confirm me your mail)
  2. Send me a mail with subject “Bobblehaed contest”, indicating the mail used for the subscription. So I can easily track all the entries.
Till now there are only 17 entrants, so you have high chances to win!
More: I have also 2 spots left to get a 50% discount coupons on 1paintme.com for your custom portraits.
Winner will be announced on 1st May 2011 with a specific blog post. Thanks!

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