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Win a Philips Audio Player


Contest URL: Fall Y'all Giveaway
Prize: A Philips 512MB Audio Player ($49.95).
Deadline: 3 November 2007

Comment and win. An Island Life is giving away a A Philips 512MB Audio Player. To get your chance to win it, simply leave a comment here mentioning your favorite song. Extra entry if you subscribe to his RSS feed.

Win a Sony Photo Printer

Contest URL
:Win a Sony Photo Printer!
Prize: a Sony Photo Printer ($200)
Deadline: 15th December 2007

Worldiki.com, the "first blog in the world to chronicle the round-the-world adventures of two geeks who manage to keep up their careers while going anywhere they want", is running his first contest. You can win a Sony Photo Printer ($200). To enter write a post about this site, and leave a comment here with your link.
And don't forget to take a look at this great journey and meet different places and cultures.


Additional pack of special Sony photo ink and paper worth US$30 to the winner.

Win $100 from Making Sales Making Money

Contest URL: Another 100 Bucks up for grabs
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 3rd December 2007

Making Sales Making Money is running a new contest in collaboration with Contest Blogger. To enter do this:

If you don't have a blog, you can get another entry in the contest by subscribing to the Making Sales Making Money RSS feed by mail. You can do both too, and you get 2 entries.
Important: every blogger who enters will also get a free PR 5 backlink from Contest Blogger.

Win $50 at the Rookie Blogger


Contest URL: Let’s Get Things Rollin’
Prize: $50 (Paypal)
Deadline: 30 November 2007

Cash from The Rookie Blogger. This new promising blog is running his first contest. It's very easy to enter:

  • Leave a "real comment" to any post of the blog (+1)
  • Give a linkback to the blog (+1)
Winner will be choosen randomly and he'll get $50 via Pyapal.

Win a $100 gift card

Contest URL: Win a $100 gift card from Ghillie Suit Clothing
: A $100 Gift Card
Deadline: 15th November 2007

Ghillie Suit, a store specialized in special suit clothing, is holding a contest where you can win a $100 Gift Card to use in one of these stores:

  • Best Buy
  • Amazon.com
  • Borders
  • Home Depot
  • Target
If you like a Ghillie Suit instead, you can change your prize.
To enter, just write a post about this contest with correct link to the site. Then leave a comment with your post link.
You have also the opportunity to win a free Ghillie Suit just by leaving a comment on that post.

ABC Mini Contest


What a surprise. Today some green has appeared on my PageRank bar on Firefox...
I started one month ago, just to enter some blog contests... And now About Blog Contest is a PR2 blog... I'm really happy of this and I'd like to celebrate a little.
2 things for you:

  • A Technorati fave from me (Authority 21)
  • A Stumble + review of your site
To enter my mini-contest, you have nothing to do. Just write me, or leave me a comment here.
On 1st December I'll write a post with all entrants.
Well, linkback would be appreciated, if you like this site, of course :-)
Mini-contest will end on 30th November 2007

Win $5 at Pic.gs


Contest URL:Pic.gs
Prize: $5 or $20 (Paypal)
Deadline: 31st October 2007

Pic.gs is running is first contest. Rules are simple: tag as many images as you can. The more you tag the more chances you get. You may win $5 (via Paypal), everyday, once per week. Contest end soon (5 days from now), so hurry up! If you link the site to your site or blog, you may also win $20 (if the site reaches his goals).

Our Blog Review


Our Blog Review is a very interesting place. Here you can submit your blog or website for a review. For free. They only ask you a simple linckback. It's very useful both to have an external opinion about your site and also to increase your traffic.
I strongly suggest everyone to try out this great service!

Waterproof Memo Board Contest


Contest URL: Contest Page
Prize: $25, $10 and $5 (Paypal)
Deadline: 30th November 2007

Waterproof memo board is holding a blog contest where you may win cash. To enter just review this site (100 words minimum) with correct linkbacks and then contact them here. Multiple blogs allowed, one entry per blog (not per person).

  • 1st prize: $25
  • 2nd prize: $10
  • 3rd prize: $5
** REVIEW **

If you need a memo board to write in wet conditions, waterproof memo board is the right place. Here you'll find something very useful that may solve a little big problem. With this item every note you made will stay safe: you don't have to worry about stains or water.
For example, you can use it in the bathroom, swimming pool, garden, kitchen, outside in the rain, and on a building site. Two different models:
  • Transparent, to blend with your rooms
  • Yellow, to find it more easily
Every memo board includes a black pencil with velcro that can be attached to it without any difficulty. They also have a hole drilled in them so you can hang them up wherever you like.
The price: £12.50 each (about $25), including postage and 1 pencil. You can buy them here.

RSS Challenge at Lewis Empire


Contest URL: It’s Time To Chow Your Shoe and Lewis Too
Prize: A free review
Deadline: 31st October 2007

Lewis Empire is running a contest inside a competition. He wants to increase his RSS readers and beat Shoemoney and John Chow’s RSS subscribers.
Anyone who tells about this contest will be entered to receive:

  • a free review
  • a Free Wealth Building Book
  • Blogroll Listing
And to everyone who comments here free linkback in the contest summary post (on November 1st).

Win Kingston prizes from ShanKri-La


Contest URL: ShanKri-la Diwali 2007 Giveaway
Prize: 1GB USB Flash Drive/1GB SD Memory Card
Deadline: 7 November 2007

To celebrate Diwali (a great Indian Festival of Lights) ShanKri-la is running a new contest.
To gain entries you have 3 possibilties:
  • Write a post about this contest (+5)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feed (+2)
  • Stumble the homepage (+1)
You may win one of this tech-gadgets:
  • 1GB Kingston DataTraveller USB Flash Drive
  • 1GB Kingston PhotoLoader SD Memory Card
Contest is open worldwide. Winner will be randomly choosen on the Diwali day of Nov 7, 2007.


I'm one of the winner! Check it here.

Win $100 from Contest Beat

Contest URL: The Easiest $100 You Might Ever Win
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 31st October 2007

The easiest contest ever! Contest Beat, a blog about blog contests (like mine), is giving away $100. Two ways to enter:

  • Add his site to your blogroll
  • Write a post about this contest
Then don't forget to leave your coment. Free linkback to everyone who enters!
Check out now other chances to win cash:

Win Cash from Philaahzophy

Contest URL: Announcing The $50 Review Philaahzophy Contest!
Prize: $50/$25 (Paypal) and $1 instant win
Deadline: 17th November 2007

This is a nice contest. Rules are simple and clear. The blog is Philaahzophy. All you have to do is writing a review of this site (100 words minimum), positive or negative, including links to the home page and to the contest post. You may win cash:

  • Random Draw - $50 (PayPal)
  • Best Review - $25 (PayPal)
  • Instant Win! - $1 (PayPal) - If your review generate a blog reaction at Technorati

It's quite difficult for me to write something about Philaahzophy. I'm from Italy, and maybe a place like this is a bit far from my interest and knowledge of America's background. I simply hope to give a different (international?) point of view and I hope he appreciates (I'd like also to sorry if my English isn't perfect...). Well, let's start:

  • Nice and clean design; Scrolling links attract the reader's attention;
  • A lot of different subject and author's own opinions;
  • The random quotes appearing at the top of each page;
  • Well organized. Easy to find particular topics.
  • No About page or contact information;
  • Why Anarchy and make money online together?
At last, one personal consideration. I don't think automatic translation is useful. It may seems something that helps you to understand the contents, bu I don't think so. I never use it, it often generates something horrible (and ridiculous) : it's better to read it in English...

Great prizes from Blog About Your Blog


Contest URL: Win Great Prizes from Bidvertiser and BAYB
Prize: $100/$50/review
Deadline: 29th October 2007

A nice and simple contest from Blog about your Blog and his sponsor Bidvertiser.
You have two ways to enter:

  • Subscribe to his RSS Feed
  • Post about this contest including correct links
5 prizes for you:
  • 1st: 100$ cash via paypal from our sponsor Bidvertiser
  • 2nd: 50$ cash from Bidvertiser
  • 3rd: 50$ cash from Bidvertiser!
  • 4th: A full website review by Adsense Tracker on this blog
  • 5th: Your blog featured on A Links Blog

$200 giveaway contest


Contest URL: $200 Cash Giveaway Contest !
Prize: $200 or $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: The posting of the 1000th comment

Make Money Online is running a great contest. You may win:

  • $100 via PayPal or Western Union if you post the 1000th comment on this blog.
  • $100 CASH via PayPal or Wester Union if you blogs about this contest and/or this blog.
Your post need 20 words minimum. Don't forget to leave a comment here.

Apple prizes from Daily Waste

Contest URL
: Apple iPod/iPhone Contest
Prize: One iPhone/iPod Touch/iPod nano
: 31st October 2007

Daily Waste, a site where you can find Funny Videos, Funny Pictures, Fun Games and Funny News is giving away a lot of Apple gadgets. 3 prizes:

  • First Prize: One Apple iPhone ($399, 8GB)
  • Second Prize: One iPod Touch ($299, 8GB)
  • Third Prize: One iPod nano ($149, 4GB)
Many ways to enter:
  • Post a Comment on any post of the site (one comment, one entry - max 10)
  • Register and Post in the Forums (Registering will count as one entry - max 10 of your posts as entries)
  • Add the Blog to Your Technorati Favorites (one entry)
  • Post a link back from your website or blog with one of the following keywords - Funny Videos, Funny News, Fun Games, Funny Pictures. (1 entry per keyword)
  • Post a review (Minimum of 100 words, link to the main page with one of the above keywords and post a link to your favorite post)
  • Subscribe to the RSS feed (one entry)

Win $100 at Romance Tracker

Contest URL: Win 100 Easy Bucks in the Romance Tracker Love Contest!
: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 16 November 2007

A cool contest on Romance Tracker, a great place for love and Romantic Ideas.
Two ways to enter:

Win a pair of Bose headphones


Contest URL: October 2007 Member of the Month Contest
Prize: A pair of professional headphones
Deadline: End of October

If you like professional sound experiences, join this contest at One Man's Blog. Here you have the opportunity to learn alternative ways to prepare popcorn or even play minigolf on the clouds. You can also take a look at corruption in Texas.
And you may win a pair of Bose TriPort OE studio headphones. To enter, you can do two things:

  • Subscribe to One Man's Blog (email)
  • Write a post like this, with at least one link back to any article of the site.
And if you do something spectacular to promote this contest, you'll gain extra entries.
For example, you can Digg it, Stumble it, or Fave it on Tecnhorati.

Win a 16GB iPod touch

Contest URL
: Win A 16GB IPod Touch at Rocknrollsolo.com
Prize: A 16GB iPod Touch
Deadline: Winner selected at random on November 12

Great Contest from Rock n Roll Solo, a site for anyone who enjoys music and rock. You can win the new iPod Touch ($399). To enter just write a post about this contest and leave a comment here. It's open also to forums or MySpace pages.

Win $25 at Yentoo.com


Contest URL: Blog Contest: Win $25 Cash!
Prize: $25
Deadline: 31 October2007

Yentoo.com is a brand new blog that helps you to have a healthy and happy life. Now is running his first contest an you may win $25. To enter simply write a short review of the site and spread this great contest. After that, leave a comment here.

Enter the Ipod giveaway


Contest URL: Spooky iPod Giveaway Contest Details
Prize: The New Ipod Nano
Deadline: 1st November 2007 winner announced

WhyDoWork is running a great iPod nano contest. It's very easy to enter:

  • Subscribe to his RSS (+1)
  • Write a post about the contest (+5)
Then don't forget to leave a comment!
Other chances to win an iPod here:

Wina Sony PSP game


Contest URL: Win Dead Head Fred for Sony PSP + More? from “Enter Now!!”
Prize: A PSP game
Deadline: 31 October 2007

Mediamafia is holding his own contest. You can win a new copy of the game “Dead Head Fred” for the Sony PSP. Many ways to enter:

  • Subscribe to his RSS Feed! (1 entry)
  • Digg the contest page (1 entry)
  • Stumble it (2 entries)
  • Add the site to your blogroll (2 entries)
  • Favorite it on Technorati (3 entries)
Then leave a comment. If there are 20 or more RSS subscribers, the winner will also recieve a ShoeMoney t-shirt. If more than 50 entries, another BIG prize added!