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Win Cash from Philaahzophy


Contest URL: Announcing The $50 Review Philaahzophy Contest!
Prize: $50/$25 (Paypal) and $1 instant win
Deadline: 17th November 2007

This is a nice contest. Rules are simple and clear. The blog is Philaahzophy. All you have to do is writing a review of this site (100 words minimum), positive or negative, including links to the home page and to the contest post. You may win cash:

  • Random Draw - $50 (PayPal)
  • Best Review - $25 (PayPal)
  • Instant Win! - $1 (PayPal) - If your review generate a blog reaction at Technorati

It's quite difficult for me to write something about Philaahzophy. I'm from Italy, and maybe a place like this is a bit far from my interest and knowledge of America's background. I simply hope to give a different (international?) point of view and I hope he appreciates (I'd like also to sorry if my English isn't perfect...). Well, let's start:

  • Nice and clean design; Scrolling links attract the reader's attention;
  • A lot of different subject and author's own opinions;
  • The random quotes appearing at the top of each page;
  • Well organized. Easy to find particular topics.
  • No About page or contact information;
  • Why Anarchy and make money online together?
At last, one personal consideration. I don't think automatic translation is useful. It may seems something that helps you to understand the contents, bu I don't think so. I never use it, it often generates something horrible (and ridiculous) : it's better to read it in English...

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