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Win 1020 Entrecard Credits



Contest URL: Win 1020 entrecard credits - simple contest!
Prize: Entrecard credits + advertising
Deadline: 14th April 2008

Easy and simple blog contest from Tech Treak, one of the best blog about technology and cool gadgets. To enter just blog about this giveaway linking to the contest post and to his wordpress plugin (Customized Random Top Ads Plugin). Here the prizes:

1st Prize:

  • 1020 entrecard credits
  • One 125×125 banner in sidebar for a month

2nd Prize:

  • One 468×60 banner for a month @ Forum.IndiMovi.com(29k visits per month)
  • One text link in the sidebar for a month @ TechTreak.com

Huge Blog Contest


Contest URL: We’re Back With A Bang - The Ultimate Blog Contest
: various, see original post
: 5th April 2008

Another huge contest with more than $2000 in prizes from the The University Kid. Tons of prizes, from cash to Entrecard Credits. To enter you have to gain points:

  • Leave a comment on the contest post (+1)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds (+2)
  • Be one of the top 10 commentators (+3)
  • Write a post about the contest following a few rules (+6)

    The Craziest Contest



    Contest URL: Craziest Internet Marketing Contest You’ve Ever Seen - $13,647 in FREE Cash & Prizes
    Prize: Various, see post.
    Deadline: 2nd April 2008

    Join the craziest Internet Marketing Contest you’ve ever seen!
    Winning the web
    is offering $13,647 in prizes, cash and tangible Internet marketing-related products and services. Simply fantastic! See the contest post for the complete list.
    To enter follow these steps:

    • Sign up for the free Winning the Web mailing list
    • Subscribe to the Winning the Web RSS feed
    • Collect Entries (Write a post about the contest, leave comments, perform other actions)

    Winner will be selected randomly on April 2.

    Win $25 from ThaGuru


    Contest URL: NEW $25 CONTEST
    Prize: $25
    Deadline: 30 April 2008

    ThaGuru is giving away $25 to one lucky blogger. To enter simply write a post about his contest. Winner will be selected randomly.

    Win a Bunch of Prizes from Etienne



    Contest URL: $5641 Worth of Cash and Prizes to Be Won With Over 30 Winners!
    Prize: Various, see post
    Deadline: 13th April 2008

    Huge blog contest at Etienne Teo. Cash and prizes for $5641 to be won! Here the full list with the sponsors:

    1 x Premium Theme License - Adii Wordpress Rockstar
    $399/year Free lifelong membership with ABC - AmericasBestCompanies
    $250 Cash from PepperJamNetwork - PepperJamNetwork (Signup as affiliate To win)
    $200 advertising on Bidvertiser - Bidvertiser (Signup as an advertiser to win)
    100 x One Buck Wiki ($2000 value)- One Buck Wiki
    1 Year Subscription to our new Speedy Plan - Top Hosting Center
    1 Year Shared Hosting Plan - TVG Hosting
    $100 worth of Flash Components - FlashLoaded
    1 x License of FruitfulTime TaskManager - Fruitfultime
    2 x Atomic Blogging Package - Alvin Phang Atomic Blogging
    1 x Pack of 80 photoshop brushes - Justcreativedesign
    5 x Banner Design - Datmoney
    5 x DIY Ebook - Eggmarketingpr
    5 x The Eating Cereal with a Fork Ebook - Eggmarketingpr
    1 x Internet Marketing Package Ebooks - BooksWealth
    1000 Entrecard credits - DatMoney
    1000 Entrecard credits - Shamoneymaker
    1000 Entrecard credits - Toasteggme
    1000 Entrecard credits - Infodoorway
    1000 Entrecard credits - Etienne Teo
    $100 cash via Paypal - Ryan Shamus
    $50 cash via Paypal - YeePage
    $50 cash via Paypal - Shamoneymaker
    1 x Blog Review - Michael
    1 x Blog Review - Infodoorway
    1 x Blog Review - Charles Lau
    1 x Seo Review - Darin
    1 x Video Review - Charles Lau
    1 x Blog Consultation - Charles Lau
    One Month text link ad - Michael
    One Month text link ad - AdesBlog
    3 x One Month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse
    1 x Two Months 125x125 Banner - Tyler Cruz
    One Month 125x125 Banner - Superbloggingtips
    One Month 125x125 Banner - Etienne Teo
    One Month 125x125 Banner - Infodoorway
    One Month 125x125 Banner - ScriptDebate
    One Month 125x125 Banner - Jim Karter
    One Month 125x125 Banner - Darin
    5 x Money Reign T-shirt - Zac Johnson Super Affiliate (Got to be US Resident)

    To enter you have three easy way (see contests post for details):

    • Write a guest post
    • Subscribe to his feeds by mail
    • Write a post about this contest linking to all the sponsors

    Win 1 Year of Free hosting



    Contest URL: 1 Year of Free Hosting Up For Grabs!
    Prize: 1 year of Free hosting
    Deadline: 28th March 2008

    Win 1 Year of free hosting (worth $95.40) from Contestu a great place to find blog contests. To enter, gain your points:

    • Subscribe to his RSS feeds and send him the secret code (+3)
    • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+5)
    • Write a post about this contest with a related anchor text (Blog Contests, Contests, Win Prizes, Win Stuff, etc) and also link to this contest page (+10)
    • Leave a comment and tell what you have done (+1)

    Win Free Advertising from Blog Badly


    Contest URL: Blog Contest - Prizes worth $350
    Prize: AD space
    Deadline: no deadline

    Blog Badly is offering three 125x125 AD spots (for a week) with a contest. Here the rules:

    1. Write a post about this contest (+5)
    2. Link anywhere on your blog/site to Blog Badly (+3)
    3. Subscribe to the Blog Badly RSS feed (+1)
    4. Subscribe by e-mail (+2)
    5. StumbleUpon the contest post (+1)

    Then leave a comment on the contest post saying what you did. Winners will be selected weekly.

    Blog Contest from The WWW Blog


    Contest URL: Blog Contest - Prizes worth $350
    : Various, see post
    Deadline: 21st March 2008

    The World Wide Web blog.com, a blog about apple products reviews with an intereting colections of blogging tips, is holding a great blogging contest. To enter this competitions you have to do three things:

    1. Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail
    2. Write a post about his blog and his contest in your blog (minimum 150 words)
    3. Leave a comment on the contest post when you have done everything
    There will be 5 winners totally and here are the prizes for the winners:

    1st prize

    • $75 Cash prize
    • 125×125 ad space in Jimkarter.com for 1 month - $30 value
    • Regular (3 additional links) - Permanent Listing in Gii.in web directory - $50 value
    2nd prize
    • $35 cash prize
    • 125×125 ad space in Directorytotal.com blog for 2 months - $40 value
    • Regular - Permanent Listing in Gii.in web directory - $25 value
    3rd prize
    • $20 cash prize
    • A 6 month hosting of 1000 MB web space(Medium Package) from HostBrains.com
    • A listing with 5 deep links in Nobledirectory.com web directory - $20 value
    4th prize
    • $20 cash prize
    • A 6 month hosting of 500 Mb web space(Small Package) from HostBrains.com
    5th prize
    • $20 cash prize
    • A review of your website in my Directory Blog

    Win 1000 Entrecard Credits

    Contest URL
    : Win 1000ec Easily !
    Prize: 1000 EC
    Deadline: 31st March 2008

    Entrecard Contest at Digital Lounge. The prize: 1000 EC. To enter:
    • Subscribe to his RSS feed by email OR fave the blog on Technorati (+2). Then Leave a Comment on this contest post with your email from which you subscribed.
    • Stumble upon ANY of his blog posts OR blog about Digital Lounge or any of his posts with a linkback to Digital Lounge on your blog (+3)

    Win $25 from AlosBlog


    Contest URL: Win 25$ at AlosBlog.com
    Prize: $25 (Paypal)
    Deadline: 6th April 2008

    Easy and simple blog contest at AlosBlog. You can win $25. To enter do either (or all) of the following thing:

    1. Subscribe to AlosBlog RSS Feed
    2. Subscribe to AlosBlog RSS Feed by email
    3. Make a blog post about this contest and link to AlosBlog.com homepage, then contact him with the post URL.

    Win Cash from Colorful Mars


    Contest URL: Free Starbucks Coffee Money Contest!
    : $20 (Paypal)
    Deadline: Every Friday

    Win $20 easy every Friday with Colorful Mars! And if you win, spend the money at Starbucks with your friends! All you have to do is write a post about this blog contest including the following code:

    Find out How To Become A Posh Guy by reading ColorfulMars.com.

    It's Almost Summer Contest


    Contest URL: It’s Almost Summer!
    Prize: various, see post
    Deadline: 31st March 2008

    The WWW Observer has launched his new contest. You have many ways to enter:

    • Joining the contest simply leaving a comment on the contest post (+5)
    • Subscribe to his RSS feeds via e-mail (+50)
    • Leave a comment DURING THE CONTEST (+1 each)
    • Write a post about it (+20)
    • Answer the weekly riddle (+15)
    And here the full list of prizes...Enjoy!

    1st place

    • $50 cash via PayPal
    • 800 Entrecard Credits
    • A .info Joomla site with PLR content - Free hosting for 1 year
    • 1 link on the 2nd proxy template by PSDproxies.com
    • A 125×125 ad space on TylerCruz.com for one month (worth $40)
    • One Money Reign Shirt
    • A WPDesigner.com WordPress Themes Club Membership
    2nd Place
    • $15 cash via PayPal
    • 400 Entrecard Credits
    • 1 link on the 2nd proxy template by PSDproxies.com
    • A 125×125 ad space on JimKarter.com for one month (worth $30)
    • One Money Reign Shirt
    • A WPDesigner.com WordPress Themes Club Membership

    3rd place

    • $10 cash via PayPal
    • 200 Entrecard Credits
    • 1 link on the 2nd proxy template by PSDproxies.com
    • Free proxy on a .info domain and free hosting for a year
    • One Money Reign Shirt
    • A WPDesigner.com WordPress Themes Club Membership

    Win $50 from Japan Photo Guide


    Contest URL: New Contest - Win $50 from Japan Photo Guide!
    Prize: $50
    Deadline: 17th March 2008

    Win $50 joining this great contest from Japan Photo Guide. Yo have many options to enter and gain entries (for detailed list check out the contest post):

    • Add each/any of provided links to your blogroll
    • Subscribe to his feeds by mail
    • Write a short blog entry about this contest and link back to the contest page
    • Write a short blog entry about any photo from the gallery at Photography of Evan Pike
    • Write a short blog entry about any photograph from Japan Photo Guide and link back to the post you found it on.
    • Spend money at Photography of Evan Pike
    Then don't forget to leave a comment on the contest post.

    Win $100 from Blogetition


    Contest URL: Win $100 from blogetition
    Prize: $100
    Deadline: 16th April 2008
    Previous Contest: Win $50 from Blogetition

    Second contest from Blogetition. Like About Blog Contests, this is an interesting blog about online contests where you can submit your contest for FREE (like here, of course).
    This time you can win $100 (via Paypal). Several ways to enter:

    • Subscribe to Blogetition feeds by mail (+2)
    • Write a post about this contest with link to the contest post and to the homepage
    • Write about the site using any of the follow anchor texts: free online contests, free online competitions, online contests, online competitions, online cash contests or contests online
    If you are entering by using the last two options, you'll get your entries depending on your Google page rank: PR 0: 4 entries PR1: 5 entries PR2: 6 entries PR3: 8 entries PR4: 10 entries PR5: 12 entries PR6: 18 entries PR7-10: 30 entries.

    If you like CASH, don't forget these others blog contests:

    Win 1500 Entrecard Credits Monthly


    Contest URL
    : EntreCard Contest - win 1500 EC credits on Detector
    : 1500 Entrecard Credits
    Deadline: monthly contest

    An interesting Entrecard contest. Every last day of each month (until the end of 2008) Detector.com is going to send 1500 EntreCard credits to one lucky winner. To enter:
    1. Drop off your EntreCard on his blog (EntreCard is a great way to promote your blog and increase traffic. You earn credits via drops. You can use earned credits to advertise on other great sites on the web. If you don’t have one yet - get one).
    2. Subscribe to Detector feed.
    3. Leave a Comment on the contest post.
    4. Write a post about this contest on your site, and include the following code: "Find out new ideas for new era by reading Detector".
    Then contact him by mail. Winner will be selected random at the end of each month and will be featured on a post.

    Win Cash from Pure Blogging


    Contest URL: Comment Contest - Win Cash and Entrecard Credits!
    Prize: $100 and 500 Entrecard credits
    Deadline: The 3500 comment on the blog

    PureBlogging.com, a blog where you can find great blogging tips, is holding 2 separate easy blog contest:

    Contest One

    $100 CASH and 500 Entrecard credits to whoever posts blog comment #3500. Only meaningful comments allowed.

    Contest Two

    $100 CASH plus 500 Entrecard credits to one random winner. To enter you only have to blog about this contest.

    Give a Spot to Your Blog Contest!


    If you want more exposure for your blog contest, use ABC FEATURED BLOG CONTEST SPOT! Feel free to contact me for details.

    Win $100 from WMR Zone

    Contest URL: Win 100$ at WMR Zone
    : $100 by Paypal
    Deadline: 10th March 2008

    WMRZone is running a great blog contest with 3 prizes for 3 lucky winners:

    1. $100 by Paypal
    2. 125×125 banner space at sidebar of his blog for 1 month
    3. 1 Blogroll link for 1 month.
    To enter, you have 2 options:
    • Subcribe WMR Zone RSS feed by E-mail (+1)
    • Post about this contest in your blog with a homepage link to this blog and send a mail at admin[@]wmrzone.com with detail Name, E-mail, link URL.

    Win $15 from Melbel's


    Contest URL: Melbel's "Spread the Feed" Contest
    : $15 (Paypal)
    Deadline: 17th March 2008

    Here your chance to win cash using your blog: Melanie’s Post-a-Day is running the "spread the feed contest". You can win $15. To enter simply:

    • Subscribe to her RSS feeds by mail (+1)
    • Write a post about her contest (+1)
    • Leave a meaningful comment on any of her post (+1)

    Win 1500 Entrecard Credits


    Contest URL: 1,500 Entrecard credits, 1 Winner
    : 1500 EC
    Deadline: 15th March 2008

    Zero Hour Sleep is running an interesting Entrecard Contest. To enter and gain points:

    • Post a meaningful comment on ANY of his posts (+1 each)
    • Subscribe to his RSS feed by email OR fave him on Technorati (+2)
    • Stumble upon ANY of his posts OR blog about Zero Hour Sleep or any of our posts with a linkback to Zero Hour Sleep on your blog (+3)
    Then contact the site at info [at] zerohoursleep.com with the tasks you have completed.

    Win Cash from Give Me Blog


    Two easy contest from Give Me Blog:

    • $5 Cash - Ends on March 5th
    To enter the draw, leave a comment on the giveaway post and write “Give Me Paypal Cash” if you want to receive $5 cash via paypal or “Give Me Amazon Cash” if you want to receive $5 Amazon Gift Card. Winner selected using random.org.
    Stumble Bonus:
    = $.50 just for being a stumbler of the post
    Digg Bonus: = $.01 per digg (maximum $.50)
    • $100 Cash
    $20 will be given away when the blog reaches 50 subscribers
    $30 will be given away when we reach 100 subscribers
    $50 will be given away when we reach 200 subscribers

    To enter the draw, leave a comment on the contest post titled “Give Me Paypal Cash” if you want to receive via paypal or “Give Me Amazon Cash” if you want to receive via Amazon Gift Card. Winner selected using random.org.
    Stumble Bonus: = $1 extra per drawing just for being a stumbler
    Digg Bonus: = $1 extra per drawing if this post gets 100 diggs

    Win an Apple Ipod Touch


    Contest URL: Win an iPod Touch!
    Prize: an iPod Touch
    Deadline: 3rd March 2008

    one of the biggest mixed cocktail recipe directory on the web (check out the fantastic Strawberry Mamosa), is hosting an easy contest where you can win an Apple iPod Touch. 3 ways to gain your entries:

    1. Submit a new cocktail recipe. This is worth 2 entries if the recipe is unique.
    2. Blog about this site, or link to us from a non-blog site. A blog posting must contain a link to this site. The blog/site must be indexed in Google, MSN & Yahoo! This is worth:
      • 6 entries if you use one of the following anchor texts:
        1. cocktail recipes
        2. free cocktail recipes
        3. drink cocktail recipes
      • 2 entries if you use a different link.
      • 1 entry if the page that the link is on or the blog itself has no Google PageRank.
      • 1 entry if the site is completely irrelevant.
      • 1 bonus entry if you also link to a recipe on the site that you like.
    3. Link to this contest from a forum. This is worth 1 entry.
    Submit your own unique recipe here and your post here. Open Worldwide.