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Win a Bunch of Prizes from Etienne



Contest URL: $5641 Worth of Cash and Prizes to Be Won With Over 30 Winners!
Prize: Various, see post
Deadline: 13th April 2008

Huge blog contest at Etienne Teo. Cash and prizes for $5641 to be won! Here the full list with the sponsors:

1 x Premium Theme License - Adii Wordpress Rockstar
$399/year Free lifelong membership with ABC - AmericasBestCompanies
$250 Cash from PepperJamNetwork - PepperJamNetwork (Signup as affiliate To win)
$200 advertising on Bidvertiser - Bidvertiser (Signup as an advertiser to win)
100 x One Buck Wiki ($2000 value)- One Buck Wiki
1 Year Subscription to our new Speedy Plan - Top Hosting Center
1 Year Shared Hosting Plan - TVG Hosting
$100 worth of Flash Components - FlashLoaded
1 x License of FruitfulTime TaskManager - Fruitfultime
2 x Atomic Blogging Package - Alvin Phang Atomic Blogging
1 x Pack of 80 photoshop brushes - Justcreativedesign
5 x Banner Design - Datmoney
5 x DIY Ebook - Eggmarketingpr
5 x The Eating Cereal with a Fork Ebook - Eggmarketingpr
1 x Internet Marketing Package Ebooks - BooksWealth
1000 Entrecard credits - DatMoney
1000 Entrecard credits - Shamoneymaker
1000 Entrecard credits - Toasteggme
1000 Entrecard credits - Infodoorway
1000 Entrecard credits - Etienne Teo
$100 cash via Paypal - Ryan Shamus
$50 cash via Paypal - YeePage
$50 cash via Paypal - Shamoneymaker
1 x Blog Review - Michael
1 x Blog Review - Infodoorway
1 x Blog Review - Charles Lau
1 x Seo Review - Darin
1 x Video Review - Charles Lau
1 x Blog Consultation - Charles Lau
One Month text link ad - Michael
One Month text link ad - AdesBlog
3 x One Month 125x125 Banner - Kiwipulse
1 x Two Months 125x125 Banner - Tyler Cruz
One Month 125x125 Banner - Superbloggingtips
One Month 125x125 Banner - Etienne Teo
One Month 125x125 Banner - Infodoorway
One Month 125x125 Banner - ScriptDebate
One Month 125x125 Banner - Jim Karter
One Month 125x125 Banner - Darin
5 x Money Reign T-shirt - Zac Johnson Super Affiliate (Got to be US Resident)

To enter you have three easy way (see contests post for details):

  • Write a guest post
  • Subscribe to his feeds by mail
  • Write a post about this contest linking to all the sponsors

2 commenti:

Anonymous said...

Link to http://www.asiansnakewine.com or write a review about our website or about the famous Snake Wine liquor and get 1 free bottle.

Contest page:

Ilissa said...

Definately wouldn't mind some of these prizes. There are quite a few of them!!

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