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Win 1500 Entrecard Credits Monthly


Contest URL
: EntreCard Contest - win 1500 EC credits on Detector
: 1500 Entrecard Credits
Deadline: monthly contest

An interesting Entrecard contest. Every last day of each month (until the end of 2008) Detector.com is going to send 1500 EntreCard credits to one lucky winner. To enter:
  1. Drop off your EntreCard on his blog (EntreCard is a great way to promote your blog and increase traffic. You earn credits via drops. You can use earned credits to advertise on other great sites on the web. If you don’t have one yet - get one).
  2. Subscribe to Detector feed.
  3. Leave a Comment on the contest post.
  4. Write a post about this contest on your site, and include the following code: "Find out new ideas for new era by reading Detector".
Then contact him by mail. Winner will be selected random at the end of each month and will be featured on a post.

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