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Free Domain Giveaway



Contest URL: Free Domain Giveaway : Win Lots of Domains
Prize: Domain Name
Deadline: 1 domain every 15 days

Easy way to win Free Domain Names. Subscribe to Webmaster Zone by mail and you are in! Winners will be selected on 1st and 15th of each month.

Zac Johnson Contest



Contest URL: Earn Big Cash! Win a Free iPod Touch & Flip Mino Video Camera and More
Prize: various
Deadline: 30th June 2008

Market Leverage Contest at Zac Johnson. Take a look at the prizes:

  • iPod Nano
  • USB Drive Pen (3 Winners)
  • $200 ML American Express Rewards card
  • Flip Video Camera *The NEW MINO
  • BONUS: iPod Touch

You have three ways to win:

  1. Join Market Leverage through the blog (iPod Nano, $200 American Express Gift Card, Free Shirt & Sticker) + Bonus iPod Touch (winner selected on 31st July - see original post for details)
  2. Blog & Link to this post on your Blog (Flip Video Camera, USB Drive Pen )
  3. Leave a Comment on this Promotion or Market Leverage (USB Drive Pen)

Win Cash and Domains!

Contest URL: Contest - Win $500+ in prizes!
Prize: Cash (PayPal) and domains
Deadline: 17th July

First giveaway on Techogy for a total of $500 in prizes! These are the prizes:

  • 1st - $200 cash + .COM, .ORG, .NET or .INFO domain of their choice and Free hosting for one month.
  • 2nd - $130 cash + .COM, .ORG, .NET or .INFO domain of their choice and Free hosting for one month.
  • 3nd - $90 cash + .COM, .ORG, .NET or .INFO domain of their choice and Free hosting for one month.
  • 4th - $60 cash + .COM, .ORG, .NET or .INFO domain of their choice and Free hosting for one month.
  • 5th - $20 cash + .COM, .ORG, .NET or .INFO domain of their choice and Free hosting for one month.
  • 6th - .COM, .ORG, .NET or .INFO domain of their choice and Free hosting for one month.

Rules are very simple:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail
  • Leave a comment on the contest post
  • Write a post about this contest (optional)

Blog Paradise Contest

Contest URL: Whiz Your Way To Paradise Contest
Prize: Various
Deadline: 4th July 2008

Blog Paradise Contest Blog is hosting an awesome blog competition in collaboration with Contest Whiz another great blog about contests! Prizes are as follows:

  • 1st - A one-year Web Hosting Swamp Plan with Hostgator ($180)
  • 2nd - 5,000 Entrecard Credits ($48)
    3rd - A 6 months SKY.fm Internet Radio Premium subscription ($30)
  • 4th - A 125x125 ad slot on Blog Paradise for one month ($25)
  • 5th - A 125x125 ad slot on Contest Whiz for one month worth around $25.

Subscribe to his feeds by mail, leave a comment on the contest post and you are in! As always, you can gain more points (see original post for details) and improve your chances of winning!

ABC Mini Contests!


Senza nome

Mini Contests from About Blog Contests! I've recently won a DNForum.com Gold membership from DNXpert but at the moment I don't need it...

So I'm giving it away to one of my readers! Hope it may be useful to someone. To enter this contest:

  • Subscribe to my RSS feed by mail;
  • Then confirm me with your mail address. If you are already a subscriber, please confirm your subscription as well. I will consider only confirmed mails.

That's all. Contest runs till July 14th. Winner will be randomly selected via random.org. Thanks!

Win Cash from JackBook


Contest URL: Contest on JackBook.Com - Win A Total of $100 + 20,000 Entrecard Credits
Prize: Cash and EC credits
Deadline: 10th July 2008

First Contest for Jackbook! Hard Cash and EntreCard Credits for you:

  • 1st: $50 + 10,000 EntreCard Credits
  • 2nd: 1 month 125×125 Banner ad on Jackbook.com sidebar + 5,000 EntreCard Credits
  • 3rd: 5,000 EntreCard Credits

Many Ways to enter:

  • Place a blogroll link to Jackbook on your blog (+2 x PR)
  • Place a blogroll link to RomeUy on your blog (+2 x PR)
  • Write a post about this contest with links to JackBook.com, RomeUy.com, and the contest post (+5)

Everyday Finance Contest Winner!

A great thanks to Everyday Finance! I'm the winner of his contest!
You can see the post about the winning here. Below Paypal proof of payment.


Affiliate Confession Blog Contest


market-leverage-flip-camera nintendo-ds-litevat19-prizes

Contest URL: Win Cool Gadgets Courtesy Of Market Leverage, Vat19.com And Affiliate Confession
Prize: Various
Deadline: Today. Hurry up!

Affiliate Confession with Market Leverage and Vat19 is holding a great contest. Prizes are as follows:

  • Nintendo DS Lite + 2 games ($155)
  • Affiliate Confession T-shirt
  • Flip Mino camcorder ($179)
  • iPod Nano
  • 2GB USB pen
  • $50 Market Leverage rewards card
  • USB Missile Launcher, Banana Bunker, Video Aquarium DVD

To enter two simple rules:

  • Write a post about this contest with link to the sponsors.
  • Then leave a comment on the contest post

Subscribe and Win $100


Contest URL: Ez DIY Electricity June Giveaway
Prize: $100
Deadline: Monthly contest

Win $100 from Ez DIY Electricity. You only have to subscribe to his feeds by mail. One winner each month!

Typo Buddy Contest



Contest URL: Contest - Find the Worst eBay Misspellings!
Prize: $50 Ebay gift certificate
Deadline: 23th June 2008

Typo Buddy is a great online tool that can help you find misspellings on eBay auctions. Now it's holding a contest where you could win a $50 eBay gift certificate. Simply leave a comment with your misspelling on the contest post and you are in. The worst ones will win!

Jonathan Volk's Contest



Contest URL: Contest - Sponsored By Market Leverage
Prize: Various
Deadline: 30th June 2008

Contest at Jonathan Volk generously sponsored by MarketLeverage. Below the prizes:

  • 1st Place - $200 Amex Gift Card AND Flip Video Camera!
  • 2nd Place - Ipod Touch!
  • 3rd Place - Market Leverage USB Flash Drive Pen

Earn your points and increase your chances of winning:

  • Join Market Leverage (+5)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+5)
  • Leave comments on new blog post (+1/day)
  • Link to JonathanVolk.com and MarketLeverage.com from your Blogroll or on your homepage (+5)
  • more options (see original contest post for details)

Win a Digital Photo Keychain


Contest URL: Gadget5 Contest Win Digital Photo Keychains
: A digital photo keychain
Deadline: 6th July 2008

Enter Gadget5 contest and take a chance to win a cool Digital Photo Keychain! With this fantastic gadget you can carry your favorite photos with you wherever you go. Take a look at some of its technical features: 1.5 inch display size, 4.8 MB internal memory (up to 62 images), picture size automatically cut by built-in software, built-in rechargeable battery, auto/manual picture slideshow. More: it weights only 85 Gms and it can be converted into a digital clock too!
There will be a total of three winners randomly chosen. Rules are very simple:

  • Write a post about this contest (150 words minimum)
  • Add a small image at the end of your post (see below) and link to the contest post
  • (optional) Use keyword “Digital Photo Keychain” somewhere in your post and link it to: www.wholesalekeychain.com/digital-photo.html

Blogged.com rated ABC!


Great surprise! Blogged.com rated About Blog Contests with a score of 8.3 (Great)! Thank you so ever! If you have time, drop by my page and write something...

Win Tons of Prizes



Contest URL: Market Leverage Summer Blogging Contest Win Tons Of Prizes
Prize: Various
Deadline: Today (12am PST). Hurry up!

Great contest at Nick Throlson sponsored by Market Leverage. You can win a lot of cool prizes:

  • 1st: Flip video camera $179.00 Value
  • 2nd: $50 ML Amex Rewards card & A Ipod NANO
  • 3rd: Entrecard credits + 1 back link for 1 year on the blog
  • 4th: Entrecard credits + 1 back link for 1 year on the blog
  • 5th: one 2 gig USB Market Leverage Pen

Rules are very simple:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail - Mandatory
  • Write a post about this contest (+1)

Download Firefox 3 Now

 Download Day - English

Download firefox 3 Now! Give your help to set the Guiness World Record for “Most Software Downloads in 24 Hours.“

Win a Digital Camcorder



Contest URL: The Net Fool’s June Birthday Bash - Win a Flip Video Mino and a $50 MLRewards Card!
Prize: A digital camcorder + ML Gift Card
Deadline: 25th June 2008

The Net Fool, a blog that helps you in making money online (check it out for get paid to reviews, insider information, blogging resources to maximize traffic and revenue, investing advice and much much more), is giving away great prizes to his readers: a Brand New Flip Video Mino and a $50 Market Leverage Rewards Card! Don't miss the chance to get one of the coolest tech gadgets!

The Flip Mino is one of the smallest and nicest camcorder. It combines remarkable video quality and pocket-sized design so you can use it wherever you go and wherever you are. Its built-in flash memory holds up to 60 minutes of high-quality video that you can view, edit and upload directly to AOL, MySpace, YouTube and other video sharing sites. Only 3 seconds of power-up and a 2x digital zoom as well. Put it in your pocket for only $180! Or try to win it!

Market Leverage is a professional advertising/affiliate network programs and it's the sponsor of the contest. It makes all this possible.

It's very easy to enter this competition. Follow the rules and gain your points. More points more chances! Here the options:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+1) - MANDATORY
  • Write a blog post (300+ words) about this contest and link back to the contest post and to Market Leverage (+15)
  • Submit one of his posts to social media networks Digg, StumbleUpon and/or Mixx (+1 each)
  • Create a video and submit it to YouTube (+25)

There will be a total of two winners. First place will win the camera, and Second place will win the $50 gift card from Market Leverage. Contest ends June 25th at midnight.

Comment and Win



Contest URL: Wednesday Winners $20 Gift Certificate to Amazon.com
Prize: $20 Amazon Card
Deadline: 18th June 2008

Easy contest at Steeping Beauty. Simply leave a comment on the contest post and you can win a $20 Amazon Certificate.

Cooly Amazing Contests



Prize: Various
Deadline: 15th June 2008

Cooly Amazing Contest at Hedge Against Speculation. Tons of prizes for you (see original contest post for details). To enter gain your entries:

  • Subscribe to his newsletter through email (+3)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds (+1)
  • Comment on the site (+1/4)
  • Favorite Hedge Against Speculation on Technorati (+1)
  • Promote the “Cooly Amazing Contest” with one of his contest banners (+4)
  • Blog about the contest (+5) and link all our contest sponsors (+5 bonus entries)

Win a $25 Gas Card or Cash



Contest URL: Save Money.com $25 Gas Card Giveaway!
Prize: $25
Deadline: 1st July 2008

Win a $25 Gas Card or the equivalent amount in Cash (by Paypal) with Save Money. Rules are very simple: earn your point by doing the following things:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+1)
  • Write a post about this contest linking to the site (+2)

Volk Defense Contest



Contest URL: Volk Defense Give-Away!
Prize: Cash, Software, Domain
Deadline: 15th June 2008

Volk Defense, a blog about security, software, hardware and reviews is running its first contest. Great prizes for you:

  • 2x Norton Internet Security 2008 (w/ Valid 1 Year Subscription Key) ($120 Value)
  • 2x Norton Antibot (w/ Valid 1 Year Subscription Key) ($60 Value)
  • 1x AVG Internet Security (w/ Valid 1 year Subscription Key) ($55 Value)
  • $50 Via Paypal (4 Winners) ($200 Value)
  • 5 Winners Personal 1-Year Proxy Hosting (0-o-o.com/YOURNAME)
  • 2x 1 Year Domain Registration (Name.com)
  • 2x 125×125 Banner Design

To enter and gain your entries do as follows:

  • Participate On Volk Defense [1 ticket per comment/3 limit a day ]
  • Participate On The Forums (1-10 Tickets/Day)
  • Write About It ( 10 tickets )
  • Stumble/Digg/Propel ( 3 tickets )

Win a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate



Contest URL: Festive Link Love Carnivality #12
Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card
Deadline: 13th June 2008

Free From Broke is giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate. There are three ways to enter this contest:

  1. Leave a comment on the contest post telling your personal finance tipping point (+1)
  2. Subscribe to his RSS feeds, either by reader or by mail. Then send him the secret phrase at the bottom (+5)
  3. Write about your personal finance tipping point and link back to the site. Then send him a mail (+10)

New Contest at Earn On The Side


Contest URL: June Contests
Prize: $25, free Advertising, EC credits
Deadline: 4th July 2008
Previous contest: Win Cash from Earn on the Side

New contests at Earn on the Side.

1st contest: drop your Entrecard on his site and leave comments on two of his post, at least. Winner will be randomly selected and will get 1000 Entrecard Credits and a 125x125 banner on the site for 1 month.

2nd contest: Write about the blog or one of his posts in your blog. But remember: The post cannot be about the contest. You will get 2 points per Page Rank of your site. Winner will get $25 (paypal)

Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card



Contest URL: Contest Announcement
Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card
Deadline: July 2008

One Million and Beyond is giving away a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
The contest runs for the next four weeks. Here the rules: He has a goal: to stay on track with his budget. he will be posting his weekly budget and if he fails, he'll give away a $25 Amazon gift certificate (each week). If he makes all of his budgets (all 4 weeks) at the end he will give away a $50 gift certificate.

To enter you only have to write a post about this contest and leave a comment on the contest post (for the next four Sunday budget posts).

Sweet Hacks Contest


Contest URL: SweetHacks Officially 1 Years Old - Lets Start Celebrating With a $100 Contest (and more!)
Prize: Cash, advertising, banner design
Deadline: 13t June 2008

SweetHacks is celebrating is 1st year. Congratulations from ABC!
And he's running a great and simple contest for over $1300. Prizes are as follows:

  • $100 Cash + Review (1 winner)
  • 468×60 Banner + $10 (1 winner)
  • 300×250 Banners + RSS FEED Links (5 winners)
  • 125×125 Banners (5 winners)
  • PR5 Text Link (5 winners)

To enter:

  • Write a blog post about the contest (+2)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+2)
  • Leave comment (+1)

Contest Reminder


Original Photo by J_O_I_D

New feature here at About Blog Contests! Every week I'll write a post where you can find a list of ending-soon contests. Check them out, and don't miss you chance to win!

Win a Free Domain Name


Contest URL: Get in on this Contest Win A Free Domain Name
Prize: Domain name
Deadline: 20th June

Easy blog contest at Dot Blogger. Two winners will get a free domain name and $5 (paypal). To enter:

  • Blog about the contest (+5)
  • Add the site to your technorati favorites (+3)
  • Subscribe to his RSS Feed (+5)
  • Leave a Comment (+1)