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Win Cash from JackBook


Contest URL: Contest on JackBook.Com - Win A Total of $100 + 20,000 Entrecard Credits
Prize: Cash and EC credits
Deadline: 10th July 2008

First Contest for Jackbook! Hard Cash and EntreCard Credits for you:

  • 1st: $50 + 10,000 EntreCard Credits
  • 2nd: 1 month 125×125 Banner ad on Jackbook.com sidebar + 5,000 EntreCard Credits
  • 3rd: 5,000 EntreCard Credits

Many Ways to enter:

  • Place a blogroll link to Jackbook on your blog (+2 x PR)
  • Place a blogroll link to RomeUy on your blog (+2 x PR)
  • Write a post about this contest with links to JackBook.com, RomeUy.com, and the contest post (+5)

2 commenti:

Renan Orola said...

If there is some SEO constest just email me I'll try to join the contest. Honestly i don't even participate to seo contest but for now i am interested to join in any contest for the sake of money i have a financial problem so that i am willing to join in any contest and try my best to be at the top..thanks and god bless..

Renan Orola said...

If you have some advertiser can you refer me to them? thanks so much this my blog site http://renanorola.i.ph and http://redexcomputers.i.ph on of my blog is pr3..

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