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Win a Digital Camcorder



Contest URL: The Net Fool’s June Birthday Bash - Win a Flip Video Mino and a $50 MLRewards Card!
Prize: A digital camcorder + ML Gift Card
Deadline: 25th June 2008

The Net Fool, a blog that helps you in making money online (check it out for get paid to reviews, insider information, blogging resources to maximize traffic and revenue, investing advice and much much more), is giving away great prizes to his readers: a Brand New Flip Video Mino and a $50 Market Leverage Rewards Card! Don't miss the chance to get one of the coolest tech gadgets!

The Flip Mino is one of the smallest and nicest camcorder. It combines remarkable video quality and pocket-sized design so you can use it wherever you go and wherever you are. Its built-in flash memory holds up to 60 minutes of high-quality video that you can view, edit and upload directly to AOL, MySpace, YouTube and other video sharing sites. Only 3 seconds of power-up and a 2x digital zoom as well. Put it in your pocket for only $180! Or try to win it!

Market Leverage is a professional advertising/affiliate network programs and it's the sponsor of the contest. It makes all this possible.

It's very easy to enter this competition. Follow the rules and gain your points. More points more chances! Here the options:

  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+1) - MANDATORY
  • Write a blog post (300+ words) about this contest and link back to the contest post and to Market Leverage (+15)
  • Submit one of his posts to social media networks Digg, StumbleUpon and/or Mixx (+1 each)
  • Create a video and submit it to YouTube (+25)

There will be a total of two winners. First place will win the camera, and Second place will win the $50 gift card from Market Leverage. Contest ends June 25th at midnight.

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