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Win an Amazon Kindle 2



Contest URL: Win a Kindle 2: Glue Genie Contest
Prize: Amazon Kindle 2
Deadline: 1st May 2009 – HURRY UP!

Win an Amazon Kindle 2 from Get Glue, a new social network that enables you to connect with your friends on the web around the things you visit online.
To enter you only have to tweet this message:

I want a free Kindle 2 from www.getglue.com rules: http://bit.ly/ggkindle to enter: follow @glue_genie and RT this msg

More entries if you tweet about 5 different Book Blogs that you love and if you install the glue widget on your book blog.

Win a Flip Mino HD


Contest URL: Twitter Giveaway - Win A Flip Mino HD
Prize: Flip Mino HD
Deadline: 31st May 2009

Win a brand new Flip Mino HD from Ben Behrouzi!
To enter you only have to send Ben this twitter message:

@BenBehrouzi Ben count me in the Flip Mino HD Giveaway! http://tinyurl.com/df9n9o


Win a Flip Mino HD from BenBehrouzi

Win $200 Cash from BloggerTricks


Contest URL
: BloggerTricks.com $200 Giveaway...Participate now!
Prize: Cash (paypal)
Deadline: 16th May 2009
Previous contest: Win cash from BloggerTricks

Second contest from Blogger Tricks with the support of:

Directory Submission Service : getlinkspro.com
She Told Me : shetoldme.com
Discount Codes : digitaldiscountcodes.com
Make Money Online : moneymakerinfo.blogspot.com

You have the chance to win eight cash prizes (by Paypal):

  • 1st Place : $100
  • 2nd Place : $50
  • 3rd Place: $25
  • 4th-8th Places : $5 each

To enter gain as many points as you can, but 10 at least. This time the winner will be chosen randomly. Here your options:

  • Leave a comment on the contest post (+1)
  • Digg/Stumble the post (+1 each)
  • Bookmark on Delicious (+1)
  • Add him to your Technorati Favourites (+1)
  • Write a post about this contest – 60 words minimum and linking to all the contest sponsors (+5)
  • Follow him on twitter (+1)
  • Add a small banner to your site (+1)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail (+2)

Subscribe and Win Cash


Contest URL: Subscribers Contest - Win $5 Cash Prize!
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 13th May 2009

Easy Contest from Thomas Ukm dotcom. Simply subscribe to his RSS feeds and you could win $5. Double your chances of winning by writing a blog post about this competition.

Win a Free Flip HD Camera



Prize: Flip HD Camera or Cash
Deadline: End of the month, for three months

454me a new URL Shortening Website is giving away 3 Free Flip HD, one for every single month for the next three months. The first one will be given away on May 31, 2009. Cash option available for for those not interested in the prize.

To participate:

  • Follow him on Twitter (@454Me)
  • Tweet the Following Message:
    "I have entered to win a Free Flip HD with http://454.me follow them on twitter and they follow back @454me Best URL Shortening Website!"
  • Simply start using us for your URL shortening service. The more you use us, the greater your chance in winning.

April Free Giveaways


image image

Two giveaways from Freebies and Much More a very informative site where you can find the latest free samples, coupons, surveys, and product testing sites. Two Gift cards for you:

  1. April Giveaway #1: Five $10 Walmart Gift Cards

  2. April Giveaway #2 - $50 Amazon Gift Card

To enter and win, simply leave your entry into the form provided.
Winners will be selected randomly at the end of April.

Free Prize Draw from The Dude



Contest URL: Spring Contest!
Prize: Tech Gadget, cartoon Smart credit
Deadline: 21st April 2009

Great contest from The Dude. You could win:

  • 1 x $100 store credit at Cartoon Smart
  • 1 x $50 store credit at Cartoon Smart
  • 1 x $25 store credit at Cartoon Smart
  • 1 x ANY 2GB Mimobot character

To enter this free prize drawn:

  • Tweet the following text (+1)
    ‘I have just entered a FREE prize draw to win a Mimobot and Cartoon Smart vouchers - Check it out -> www.the-dude.co.uk’
  • Leave a comment below the contest post (+1)

Blognet Awards Nomination


About Blog Contests was nominated as Best Gaming Blog by Blognet Award! This site is holding each month an award contest for the Best Blog in various categories. And they also have a Comment Contest where they reward people who vote or comment on nominated Blogs (you can nominate your own blog, or others you like – for the next month competition) with Cash and EC credits. So, a great win-win situation for everyone!

I need your help, dear Readers. Please vote me, it takes only a few minutes, follow these steps (contest rules also here):

  1. Visit BlogNetAwards.com
  2. Register on the site by filling in the information
  3. You will receive a confirmation mail, open it and click on the link to activate your registration
  4. Go back to BlogNet Awards homepage and log in
  5. Then go to my nomination page, and vote my blog!
  6. Feel free to leave a comment too! You could win the comment contest!

How to win the comment contest:

When you votes and comments on any nominated blog, you will get 2 chances to win. You are allowed to vote once for each nominated blog and only your first comment on each nominated blog in that month’s contest will qualify for a credit.
So, the more blogs you visit the more chances to win!

Thanks for your time! You can vote until the end of April.

Win Tech Gadgets from Bloggerstop


Contest URL: Win Big - Web Cam and TV Remote at BloggerStop
Prize: Tech Gadgets
Deadline: 8th May 2009

Great contest from Bloggerstop sponsored by the online gadgets shop BudgetGadgets.com! You can win cool tech gadgets:

  • 1st Prize: a robot dog shaped web cam
  • 2nd Prize: a universal TV remote
  • 3rd Prize: a black leather cover for your mobile phone (to the one who gain the more points)
  • 4th Prize: 2500 Entrecard Credits (to the last commenter)

You have a lot of options to enter and gain points. Visit the site for full details.

Japan Photo Guide Contest Winner



Lucky month this one…I’m the winnner of Japan Photo Guide Contest! A great thanks to Evan Pike!

I suggest you to visit Evan Pike photography shop, take a look at his awesome photos about Japan and buy them!

Win a Sony MP4 Player




Contest URL: Rate My Ride Blog Competition - Win a Sony MP4 Player!
Prize: MP4 player
Deadline: 30th April 2009

Win a 8Gb Sony MP4 player from Rate My Ride blog. To enter simply write a blog post about this competition including the following link: Modified Car Gallery and Blog. Then leave a comment on the blog telling you are in.


Mountain Dew Voltage Contest


Take a look at the online sweepstakes held by Mountain Dew® to promote their new drink, Mountain Dew Voltage®. Play games, watch videos, create art, share the experience and earn points. The more activities you do, the more points you get. You can win prizes such as skateboards, gaming gear, iPods, and snowboards. Check all the details here:


Abruzzo Earthquake Emergency



Dear readers, today something different.

Abruzzo, a region in central Italy (my country), was recently devastated  by a terrible earthquake. More than 200 deaths and thousands of lives destroyed. Please help Red Cross to provide them first aid, food and shelters.

Donations online are possible through the Italian Red Cross website. You can use Paypal or Credit Card and you can give as much as you like. In the field “Donation Cause” please indicate the following:


Thank you very much for your kindness.

Win Tech Gadgets from OnlyGizmos



Contest URL: OG Contest: Win a 6MP Digital Camera and more!
Prize: 6MP Digital camera, Spy Remotes, Card Reader
Deadline: 6th May 2009

OnlyGizmos is your daily resource for the best and coolest gadgets around the world. For example, take a look at these Alien Look Wireless Speakers and enjoy the extraterrestrial sound experience!

Now, to celebrate his 2nd anniversary (congratulations!) is holding a contest where you can win free tech gadgets:

  • 1x Kodak 6 megapixel digital camera
  • 2x Micro Spy Remote
  • 5x Worlds smallest memory card reader

To enter you only have to pickup your favorite article from OnlyGizmos and blog about it. You can also tweet about it (you must have more than 500 folowers). Contest is open worldwide.

Bestbuy Giftcard Contest



Contest URL: Wow Relief’s Giftcard Contest
Prize: Best Buy Gift Card
Deadline: 15th April 2009

Win A Free Best Buy Giftcard from Wow Relief. To enter do the following:

  • Leave a comment on the contest post (+1)
  • Tweet the contest
  • Write a post about this contest

More entries available, read the original post on the site.

Win Prizes from Cool Site of the Day


Contest URL: Follow Me on Twitter & Win Prizes!
Prize: Various
Deadline: 4 weeks

Cool Contest from Cool Site of the Day. Winners will be randomly selected over the next four weeks. Below the prizes:

Week 2: Winners Announced April 10
- 5 Cool Site of the Day baseball caps
- 1 One-on-One Website Review with Mike Corso
- 1 copy of The Fat Free Guide to SEO Copywriting

Week 3: Winners Announced April 17
- 5 Cool Site of the Day T-Shirts
- 1 One-on-One Website Review with Mike Corso
- 1 copy of The Fat Free Guide to SEO Copywriting
- $50 Amazon.com gift certificate

Week 4: Winners Announced April 24
- 5 Cool Site of the Day baseball caps
- 1 One-on-One Website Review with Mike Corso
- 1 copy of The Fat Free Guide to SEO Copywriting

Week 5: Winners Announced May 1
- 5 Cool Site of the Day T-Shirts
- 1 One-on-One Website Review with Mike Corso
- 1 copy of The Fat Free Guide to SEO Copywriting
- $50 Amazon.com gift certificate

To enter the competition:

More: if you blog about this contest you could win $100 (winner selected on May 1st)!

Win an Amazon Gift Card


Contest URL: Amazon Gift Card Twitter Giveaway
Prize: Amazon Gift Card
Deadline: 17th April 2009

Timmyjohnboy is offering the chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift card. To enter:

  1. Follow him on Twitter (@timmyjohnboy)
  2. Tweet the following: “I just entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card and you can too! Read the post (http://is.gd/qzss) and enter!”

Win a Free Rapidshare Account



Contest URL: Win a Free Rapidshare Premium Account
Prize: Rapidshare Premium Account
Deadline: 11th April 2009

Win a 30 Day Free Rapidshare Premium Account from Techolar. To enter this giveaway:

  • Leave a comment on the contest post (+1)
  • Link back to the contest post (+2)

Join The Street Team Contest



Contest URL: www.swervinringtone.com
Prize: $200 PUMA Gift Card & PUMA L.i.f.t. shoes signed by Mista Mac.
Extra Goodies: Free download of Mista Mac’s new song Swervin featuring Flo-Rida.
Deadline: 30th April 2009

Free mobile phone content service MyMojo is holding a digital street team contest to market Mista Mac’s new hit single Swervin, featuring Flo-Rida.

Participants can register at SwervinRingtone.com and will be given access to a suite of web based tools and audio player widgets for promoting the free download of the ringtone throughout social networking communities like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and more. When a user clicks on a link to download the ringtone, the street team member who placed the widget will get credit for a referral.

The participant who gets the most referrals by the end of the contest will win a $200 PUMA Gift Card and a pair of the hot new PUMA L.i.f.t. shoes signed by Mista Mac himself!

ChewingGlass Tees Contest Winner

ChewingGlass Tees

A great thanks to Patrick and ChewingGlass Tees! I’m the winner of his great blog contest! If you are looking for Funny T-Shirts or cool Graphic T-Shirts visit the site and enjoy!

tFuse Design Contest


Two interesting contest from tFuse, an online community that serves as a platform for artists & entertainers to showcase their creative abilities. Below the details:

  • T-shirt Design Contest: members can submit designs to be rated by the community. Top designs will be printed onto t-shirts and the artist will receive up to $2,500 in rewards ($200 upfront and $1 per shirt sold)
  • Fuse Video Contest: members can take any tFuse t-shirt and create a video showcasing the design. Fuse Videos are rated by the community and top videos receive a $500 prize and store credit.

In addition, there is also a referral contest for the months of March and April. Rules are simple:

  • Get everyone you know to join tFuse
  • Tell your referrals they must select your name during registration (very important!)

Top recruiter will win a $100 American Express gift card and a free tFuse t-shirt. If you register, please tell my name (glf80) as referral! Thanks!

Win an Amazon Gift Card


gLf Find your blog contest!
About Blog Contests

Contest URL: Create an Email Signature and win $45 amazon gift card
Prize: Amazon gift card
Deadline: 1st May 2009

Create your own signature with sig22.com and you could win a $45 Amazon gift card.

Win Cash from The 42nd Estate


Contest URL: The Easiest $42 You’ll Ever Make
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 8th April 2009

To celebrate his first year anniversary The 42nd Estate is holding an easy contest where you can win $42. You only have to leave a comment on the contest post.