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Win a Free Flip HD Camera



Prize: Flip HD Camera or Cash
Deadline: End of the month, for three months

454me a new URL Shortening Website is giving away 3 Free Flip HD, one for every single month for the next three months. The first one will be given away on May 31, 2009. Cash option available for for those not interested in the prize.

To participate:

  • Follow him on Twitter (@454Me)
  • Tweet the Following Message:
    "I have entered to win a Free Flip HD with http://454.me follow them on twitter and they follow back @454me Best URL Shortening Website!"
  • Simply start using us for your URL shortening service. The more you use us, the greater your chance in winning.

2 commenti:

Envelope Printing said...

Those look really cool, such interesting patterns. Good luck to all the entries! This will go on for three months, quite long, so there's a lot of time to tweet!

Kitchen Scales said...

I don't tweet, but winning these is almost enough incentive to start.

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