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Win a Sony MP4 Player




Contest URL: Rate My Ride Blog Competition - Win a Sony MP4 Player!
Prize: MP4 player
Deadline: 30th April 2009

Win a 8Gb Sony MP4 player from Rate My Ride blog. To enter simply write a blog post about this competition including the following link: Modified Car Gallery and Blog. Then leave a comment on the blog telling you are in.


4 commenti:

Ian said...

Thanks for mentioning the Rate My Ride Blog contest and for the entry.

Good luck!

Eva said...

Ciao, ma anche a te dà link non funzionante? non riesco più ad aprire la pagina del contest e in più mi rimanda su un altro sito (http://blog.kroozr.co.uk/)...mah...

gLf said...

Si anche a me. Devo informarmi su come è finito...la cosa un poco mi puzza. Ciao

MP4 PLAYER said...

Thanks for mentioning the Rate My Ride Blog contest and for the entry.

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