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Twitter Contest from uShip


Contest URL: uShip.com's Month Long Mania
Prize: Amazon Gift cards + Flip Mino HD Camera
Deadline: 25th May 2009

Twitter Contest from uShip. You could win Amazon gift cards and all participants are eligible to win a Flip Mino HD Camera. All you have to do is following uShip on Twitter and answering the tweeted question of the day.

2 commenti:

informatica Pratica said...

Ciao! Abbiamo lanciato un contest su InformaticaPratica.com, regaliamo il nuovo iPod Shuffle (quello parlante), la partecipazione è aperta a tutti ed è gratuita, anche le spese di spedizione sono a carico nostro. L'estrazione avverrà con i numeri del lotto, in questo modo i partecipanti saranno tutelati dai furbi :) Tutti i dettagli li trovi sul blog, ovviamente ti invitiamo a partecipare. Grazie Ciao!

kasandria said...

Enjoyed reading your blog! I need your help! This is my very first voting contest. I got picked to host a party for American Idol and Ford. Well I could possibly win a Ford Fusion! All I need is for you to vote for me. The more votes I have the better chance I have and the big plus....If I win YOU WIN TOO! So if you could please take a few minutes out of your day to vote for me I would definitely appreciate it and return the vote for you as well! Here's the link!!! Thanks again!!! I also clicked some links onyour blog for ya!Kas


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