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Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest-Vote!


National Geographic Ultimate Photo Contest

In May 2010, Energizer and National Geographic teamed up for their 3rd Annual Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest. Thanks to word of mouth and social media, this contest featured 14,275 entries – over 2,000 more than last years! (Take a look at my previous post here: Energizer Ultimate Photo Contest)

National Geographic photographer Jim Richardson has narrowed those 14,275 entries to just 12 finalists and now it’s time to vote! The winner gets a National Geographic Expeditions trip for two to Greece and a feature in an upcoming issue of National Geographic magazine.

There's no question about one thing: To get the best shot, you need the best equipment. That's where Energizer comes in. Energizer® Ultimate Lithium AA and AAA batteries are the world's longest lasting batteries in high-tech devices. They last up to eight times longer than Energizer® MAX® in digital cameras (results vary by camera)-which means you can take your mind off your batteries and focus on capturing that winning photo.

2 commenti:

OzgunWeb said...

thank you!

Tonal said...

Interesting post...
Thank you for the post..Web Graphic Design

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