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Win a Widescreen Monitor


Contest URL:MASSIVE Widescreen Monitor Giveaway
: 20 inch monitor
Deadline: 31st March 2008

WhydoWork is running a great blog contest with a fantastic prizes: 2 WideScreen monitors. Two different way to gain your entries:

Widescreen Monitor Number 1

  • Join WhydoWork community and write a post in your personal WhyDoWork blog (+1)
  • Write about our new social networking features on your external blog (+5)
  • Subscribe to his feed via email (+3)

Widescreen Monitor Number 2

This contest is for those with web design skills:

  • personalize the design of your ‘My Page’ with your HTML/CSS skills and we’ll be picking the top 10.
WhydoWork social network new features:

  1. Sticky notes to quickly post a question on another member's profile page
  2. Personal pages where you can add whatever you like (including your own advertisements)
  3. A blog within your personal page where you can share your thoughts and syndicate them with a personal RSS feed
  4. The ability to search and add friends who may have similar interests, ideas, or even live in the same city!

Win Cash from EzMoney


Contest URL: Great prizes on EzMoneyOn.Net first contest
: $100, EC credits, free advertising
Deadline: 11th March 2008

First blog contest for EzMoneyOn.Net, a blog that helps you in make money online. 3 prizes:

  • First prize: $100 cash (via PayPal or MoneyBookers)
  • Second prize: 1000 Entrecard credits
  • Third prize: Free 125×125 banner design
Rules are very simple:
And everyone who enters will get a free backlink to his blog.

The Biggest Entrecard Contest


Contest URL:20,000 Entrecard Credits Contest
: up to 20000 EC
Deadline: 14th March 2008

VikingBlogger.com is giving away 20000 Entrecard Credits! The biggest Entrecard contest ever! Five winners:

  • 1st - 10,000 credits
  • 2st - 5,000 credits
  • 3st - 3,000 credits
  • 4st - 1,000 credits
  • 5st - 1,000 credits
To enter simply:
  • Write a review about this contest with link to the contest page and to the homepage (http://www.vikingblogger.com)
  • Subscribe to VikingBlogger. Either with email or an rss reader.
  • When you have done the above points, please add a comment on the contest post, with a link back to your review.

Win $100 Monthly from Contest Blogger


Contest URL: Dude, we’re giving away 100 bucks a month . . . forever!
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: no deadline

The easiest way to win $100. Simply put a permanet link back to Contest Blogger homepage, send him a note and you will enter in his monthly drawing. No closing date and once you've linked back to the site you'll remain in the hat forever!

The Top 20 Contest Blogs - Update


Blog About Your Blog published the first list of the Top 20 Contest Blogs (based on Pagerank, Alexa rank, Bloglines subscribers, and Technorati) on Nov 19 2007. Now it has been updated: And ABC jumped from 17 to 7! A great thanks to all my readers!
If you are running a blog contest, check the new list and it will get the best exposure.

#1 Contest Beat
#2 Laura Williams Musings
#3 Contest Blogger
#4 The Prize Blog
#5 An Island Review
#6 My Blog Contest
#7 About Blog Contests
#8 Blog Contest Central
#9 Blog Contest Site
#10 Home Mom
#11 Blog Paradise
#12 Contest Canada
#13 Reviewow
#14 Blog Contests
#15 The Contest Winner
#16 Submit Your Contest
#17 Contest U
#18 Contest Blog Cat
#19 It’s All Free Online
#20 Contest Bytes

Win $25 from AndrewMesser

Contest URL:The Contest is Open!
: $25 (Paypal), 500EC, 25% of the income of the blog
Deadline: 29th February 2008

An interesting contest from AndrewMesser.com. These are the prizes for you:

  • $25 (via PayPal)
  • 500 Entrecard Credits
  • 25% of the income from his blog
And many ways to enter:
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds (+1)
  • Write a blog post about this contest, linking to the contest post (+5)
  • Leave a comment (+1), 5 separate comments (+2), 10 separate comments (+3)
  • Add AndrewMesser.com to your Blogroll (+5)
  • Add AndrewMesser.com to your Technorati Favourites (+5)
  • Top 3 referring blogs (+5)
  • Top 3 Entrecard Droppers (+5)
  • Write an Entrecard recommendation (+5)
And you get 2 more entries every time you refer someone who subscribes via email using a referral code (see here for details)

Win $50 Cash


Contest URL: Click Here To Win $50 Cash, and more...
Prize: $50
Deadline: 27th February 2008

New easy blog contest from Blogfeld. Here the various prizes:

  • All his Entrecard credits
  • $50.00 Cash by PayPal
  • A free review of your blog on his blog, and another popular blog
  • A link from his blogroll for life. Plus a link on another popular blog.
  • One month of banner advertising on any blog you want out there - maximum spend of $30.00 {if you don’t want the $50 cash you can combine it with this to have a max. of $80}
To enter the competition and gain points:
More: if you subscribe to his RSS, collect the daily secret letters and find the secret word. Then send it to him (+20).

Two more wins!

ABC have won again! Thank you very much to Stewart from How To Make Money Online for his free beer, and also to Dennis from Mixed Marked Art and his weekly contest (the contest goes on, check it here). Below the Paypal proof of payment:

Blogosis Contest - February


Contest URL: Blogosis Monthly Contest - February 2008
Prize: 10% of online profits + EC credits
Deadline: End of February 2008
January Contest: The Monthly Blogosis Contest

New blog contest from Blogosis. For this month, the prize is 10% of all his online income plus EC credits. To enter into the competition, you only have to subscribe by mail to his RSS feed. To get more chances:

  • Write a post about this blog contest with a link back to the contest post and one to the Blogosis homepage (+5)
  • Create a permanent link on your blog to this Blog entry and update it every month with the new contests (+5)

Win an Apple Ipod Touch 16GB


Contest URL: Win an Apple Ipod touch 16 gig
Prize: an iPod Touch 16 Gb
Deadline: 15th March 2008

Titan Poker Bonus Code, a site totally dedicated to Titan Poker (if you want to know more, read his extensive Titan Poker Review), is giving away a $400 Apple Ipod Touch. To enter simply write a post about it and include all the 3 links. Then send an email to ( win [@] titan-poker-bonus-code.com) with the subject title IPOD Contest. Open Worldwide, also to non-english blogs.

The Simplest Blog Contest

Win $100

Contest URL: Various, See Post
Prize: $100 (Paypal)
Deadline: 1st March 2008

Win $100 from these great blog:
To gain entries into the contest, just do any of the following:
  • Subscribe to RSS via email (+2 per blog)
  • Make a comment of value (not just "i agree", etc.) on a post (+1)
  • Write a post about this contest with links to the contest page and to participating blogs (+25)
The deadline is 12:00 AM March 1, 2008.

Win Cash from DatMoney

Contest URL
: 1st DM Contest: Cash, EC and Custom Banner Designs!
Prize: Cash, EC, banner design
Deadline: 29 February 2008

DatMoney.com is running his first blog contest! For each new subscriber he will add (in a virtual pot) $0.50 and 20 Entrecard Credits. So, the more subscribers, the more money you win.
  • 1stFirst place will receive 75% of the pot
  • Second place will receive 25% of the pot
  • Third place will receive a custom made banner (and possibly Entrecard Credits)
To enter simply
  • Subscribe to his RSS Feed
  • Write a post about the contest linking to DatMoney.com and the contest post
  • Leave a comment on the contest post when you have done so

MeAndMyDrum Birthday Contest


Contest URL: Birthday Contest: MeAndMyDrum Turns One
: 1000 Entrecard Credits + blog review
Deadline: 20 February 2008

To celebrate his 1 year birthday MeAndMyDrum is running an easy-to-enter blog contest. You can win:

  • 1,000 Entrecard credits
  • A review of your blog on MeAndMyDrum
To enter and gain points:
  • Subscribe to his feeds by mail (+5)
  • Write a post about this contest (+4)
  • Write a reccomandation on Entrecard (+4)
  • Leave a comment on the contest post (+1)

Free Beer Money Contest

Contest URL: Free Beer Money Contest!
Prize: $20 weekly
Deadline: every Friday

A nice weekly contest from HowToMakeMoneyOnline.ca! To enter simply write about it and include the following code:

Find out How To Make Money

Online by reading HowToMakeMoneyOnline.ca.

You could win $20 every week. And if you win you must buy yourself and a friend or two a beer that weekend, raise your glass and say "Here’s to Free Beer from HowToMakeMoneyOnline.ca!"

Free iTunes Music


Contest URL
: Get $10 in Free iTunes Music in our Weekly Contest!
: $10 iTunes Gift Card
Deadline: weekly

Simply subscribe to Free iTunes Music and you could win a $10 gift certificate for iTunes Music every week!

Win A Canon IXY Digital L4 Camera


Contest URL: Canon IXY Digital L4 Camera Contest
Prize: A Canon IXY Digital L4 Camera
Deadline: 8th March 2008
Previous contest: Win a Canon Digital Camera

Second great blog contest from Neil Duckett. This time, to celebrate his new section Japan Singles, he's giving away a brand new 7.1 MP Canon IXY Digital L4 Camera! To enter:

  • Subscribe to Neil Duckett by the email (+1)
  • Add NeilDuckett.com to your blogroll (+2)
  • Add Japan Singles to your blogroll (+3)
  • Write a post about the contest linking back to the contest post and also linking directly to Japan Singles (+5)
  • Buy a spot under Neil’s “Recommended Reading” section (+10)
Minimum of 100 entries required (from any of the above options).

Best Deals Online is the Winner

I'd like to announce one of the winners The “One Heck Of A Giveaway” Contest. Thanks to all participants and a great thank you to Mike from Bloggin-ads.com for his innovative blog contest idea! My AD spot (for 2 months) + 500 EC goes to Best Deals Online! Congratulations! If you are looking for deals on the Internet (especially for your Valentines Day)and also useful blog tips, visit this site.

Kontera Video's Testimonial Contest


Contest URL: Kontera’s Video Testimonial Contest – What Can You Do With $500?
Prize: 1st: $500 - 2nd: $250 - 3rd: $100
Deadline: 1st of March 2008

Create an original video/animated flash describing your ContentLink™ experience and the benefits using Kontera has brought to your site/blog. See the Official Kontera Blog for details. 3 prizes for you:

  • 1st place: $500
  • 2nd place: $250
  • 3th place: $100

The Beta News Contest

Contest URL: The Beta News 2 Year Anniversary Contest
: Various, see post
Deadline: 22nd February 2008

The Beta News, your daily source for blogging advice and Web 2.0 Social Media, is running his first blog contest to celebrate his 2nd Year Anniversary. 4 ways to enter, each one gives you an extra chance to win:

  1. Write a post about the contest using relevant anchor text like “celebrity blogger interview, problogger interview or blogging advice”
  2. Subscribe to his RSS feeds and mail the secret keyword to contest (at) thebetanews.com
  3. Follow him on Twitter, wait for the secret keyword and then mail it to him (you will have three hours)
  4. Take a picture of your blog “HQ” or desktop
And a lot of prizes to win:

Win a set of iPod Portable Speakers


Prize: A set of iPod Portable Speakers
Deadline: 22nd February 2008

Fiddyp is running an easy blog contest where you could win a set of iPod portable speakers. Simply write a post about it and tell that if you don't win, you can buy them directly from here (price: £37.50 + 3.50 GBP to anywhere). Then leave a comment on the contest post.

Win $50 from Blogetition


Contest URL: Blogetition holds it’s second contest - win $50 via paypal
Prize: $50 (Paypal)
Deadline: 29th February 2008

Win $50 (via Paypal) from Blogetition, one of the latest contest blogs on the Net. Several ways to enter:

  • Write a post about this contest with link to the contest post and to the homepage (+10)
  • Stumble/digg/reddit any of the post on the site (+2 each)
  • Leave a comment on any of the posts (+1 each)
  • Submit a new blog contest (+1 each)

Win Free Amazon Gift Cards


Contest URL: Feburary’s Contest - Who doesn’t love free stuff?
Prize: Amazon Gift Cards
Deadline: End of February 2008

Jason from The Amatureist Financial Journey is running his second blog contest. 3 prizes to win:

  • First Prize: $65 Amazon gift certificate
  • Second Prize: $25 Amazon gift certificate
  • Third Prize: $10 Amazon gift certificate

Many ways to enter and gain points:

  • Write a post about the contes (+5)
  • Stumble any article on the site (+1/max 3)
  • Leave a comment on the contest post (+1)
  • Subscribe to his RSS feeds (+3)
  • Blog who refers the most traffic (+5)
  • Blog who refers the second most traffic earns (+3)
  • Blog who refers the third most traffic earns (+1)

Subscribe and Win Cash


Contest URL: Kick Off Contest - Win $$$
Prize: Cash
Deadline: 5th February 2008

The Viking Blogger is running an easy contest. You only have to subscribe to his RSS feeds by mail. The prize is $1 for each subscriber. It means:

30> subscriber $30 = 1 winner
31-50 subscribers $#subscribers = 2 winners.
51-100 subscribers $#subscribers = 3 winners
100 < subscribers = 4 winners>

The weekly Winner Contest


Contest URL: The Weekly Winner Contest
: $25 every week
Deadline: No deadline

Mixed Marked Art, your daily source for Blog Marketing that helps you in discovering the best ways to Increase Website Traffic, is running a great weekly contest where you can win $25 very single week (via Paypal)! To enter you simply have to do the following things:

  1. Write a one time post on your blog (250 words min) with two link back: one to the contest post and the other one to the site homepage. If you want use these keywords: Make Money Blogging, Blog Marketing, Increase Website Traffic
  2. Leave a comment on the contest post with the link to your post
  3. Subscribe to his RSS feeds
But not only cash for you: the winner will also receive a link to his blog and an extra bonus prize that were donated that week (if you like to be a sponsor, contact Collin).
One winner will be randomly selected every Sunday. If for any reason he misses a week, the following winner will receive $50 instead of the $25. If for whatever reason I chooses to stop the contest in a few months, everyone will be notified at least 4 weeks prior to the closing.
You may win only once per month, but no limit for your winnings. And remember: this blog contest will run forever! No deadline! And the earlier you enter it, the better your chances of being a weekly winner.
Simple and clear. So visit Mixed Marked Arts, learn how to make money blogging and try to be the lucky one. Enter now!