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Win a Laptop from The Thinking Blog!


Contest URL
: Big Giveaway, Real Prize: RuffBook Water Resistant Laptop!
Prize: A water resistant Laptop
Deadline: 20th December 2007 (open worldwide - any language)

Free laptop giveaway from The Thinking Blog and the sponsor Ruff PC. Enter this great blog contest and you can win a brand new, rugged, water resistant laptop called RuffBook (Intel Core Duo 1.73GHz processor, 512MB DDR RAM, 60GB Shock-mounted Hard Drive, and a DVD DualDrive). Built to survive under any conditions thanks to his water resistant keyboard and magnesium alloy casing 20-times-harder than plastic alloy base case. Check out full technical specifications.
If you want it, just write about this blog contest. It's open worldwide and you can use any language: linkback to the contest post, and to RuffPc with rugged related keywords. Then, send an email here.

** UPDATE **

Vote for this post! I'm number 50! Thanks!

2 commenti:

Anonymous said...

There are no apparent problems with my feed. Perhaps try rebsubscribing to it via http://www.smallfishbigmoney.com/feed/

Small Fish Big Money

ArahMan7 said...

Thanks for the head-up. Look like interesting. Gonna head over there and have a look around.

~ ArahMan7

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