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Win the New Ipod Touch


Contest URL: Filelime iPod Touch contest giveaway!
Prize: 1 Brand New iPOD touch
Deadline: 18th December 2007

FileLime is a new online storage service: it offers 150MB of free space, 5 multiple uploads, progress bar uploader, and a direct link to your upload. It's really fast, simple and clean. No signups required.
Now, if you have a blog, you have the chance to win the new iPod Touch. To enter:

  • Write a blog post about Filelime.com and the ipod touch contest (100 words minimum) with linkback to Filelime and the contest page.
Then submit your post trough the form and you are in! Winner will be selected randomly on December 18, 2007. You can write only one post per blog, but multiple blogs are allowed. Open worldwide.

1 commenti:

Anonymous said...

An iPod Touch would definitely be a great Christmas gift! Good luck and hopefully you win with this post!

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